Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Aboriginal Dot Painting

We, had our Home School Network Art Class yesterday, Aboriginal Dot Paintings was the order for the day.

The class had kids as young as 4 and as old as 13, if you are well prepared the young ones can easily do this activity.

The younger members (or the less adventurous/confident) used a template for the border and their chosen animal. I didn't get photo's of these as I had to help K hold her templates down whilst she sponged the paint over the black card and the templates.

Once that step is complete you are ready to begin the dot painting process. Simply grab the end of paint brush, you can experiment with different sized brush tips too and start dipping them in some paint. Better quality acrylics (as opposed to watery poster paints) are recommended for a more even brighter colour.

Just keep dotting until you are happy with the results, there really aren't any rules with this step.

This is B's finished piece

And K's.

When we got home B decided that he wanted to continue on with the technique. I got him set up but basically left him to it.

This is what he ended up with, I particularly like how he chose to incorporate the scratch work into his volcano. He used wooden chopsticks for this, one end for the dots and the other to do the scratch work.

This was a fun class and certainly something we will try again.


Sites of interest

Aboriginal Dot Painting Images

Ideas For Kids

DLTK's Dot Painting Page



pink and green mama MaryLea said... 1

So fun!! I used to do an aboriginal art work lesson with my students when I taught art in the public schools...we used q-tips (one for each color) to make it a speedy (and easy to clean up) process for 30 kids!! : )
They look great : )

Nicole {tired, need sleep} said... 2

Wow, these are really fun and look so good! What an interesting art lesson, one I've never heard of. Thanks for sharing!

Caz said... 3

Those are great :) The black paper really makes them stand out too. Miss K looks very focused there!

Kez said... 4

They look great - I love the black background.

Anonymous said... 5

I just updated my page on dot painting for kids www.outbackjack.info/dotpainting.html so I hope it is now a better reference for your site. Thankyou for the link could I possibly ask that you put outbackjack on the link too if it is not too much trouble. :) Have a great 2012

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