Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Sensory Tubs" Ideas List

Share your Sensory Tub ideas by linking up with all of the other fun, creative bloggers that put together these super fun tubs for their children.

My plan is to rotate out our Sensory Tub every month. Some times with a theme that may go along with the season or something special happening or other times just a random assortment of sensory items.

I have seen so many fantastic ideas for sensory tubs of late that I have been forgetting where I saw what and quite frankly I could really do with some help when it comes to ideas for things to put in a sensory tub.

So I thought why don't we gather all of those ideas in one place and start sharing all of the wonderful ideas out there by using a good old McLinky List. Now I am not starting a weekly carnival of sorts. I think most of us are nearly all blog carnivalled out!!!

The list is above and I will just keep it as an open list so you can continue to add your sensory tub posts to it as you publish them. I have extended the length of the link titles allowed so that everyone can add some details. So for example if you were looking for Christmas Themed Sensory tubs they should be easier to find if 'Christmas' is mentioned in the link title.

Here's an example - Christmas (Our Worldwide Classroom)

Here's another - Purple (Our Worldwide Classroom)

You get the idea. I think if we put the theme first it will make it super simple to find what we are looking for.

I will also place a link in an easy to find spot on the blog for this particular post so those of us adding links to the list can easily come back and find it.

I think that about covers it, any questions feel free to ask.

I hope you will link up your sensory tubs and please feel free to let everyone know about this 'Creative Sharing List'.


Counting Coconuts said... 1

This is a great idea! I create a new tub each month, too. I have them all planned out on some excel spreadsheet!! I'll link up the ones we've done so far. :)

Unknown said... 2

Great Idea! We love to do bins, and I am so doing some of these! Thanks!

Evenspor said... 3

This is great. I'm just starting to do sensory tubs for Beeper, and I am sure it won't take long to run out of ideas.

pink and green mama MaryLea said... 4

Fantastic, I have found that if I put the tubs away for awhile then reintroduce them, or add new features the girls flock to them! Love the idea of "Monthly" boxes : ) Hope you don't mind that I linked so many of ours...of course I forgot to write "pink and green mama" on links 11 and 12 -- whoops! : )
Can't wait to refer back to this list and check out the other great ideas here!

Kylie said... 5

Absolutely not Mary-Lea that is what the Linky is for, thanks for linking all of yours up. :)

Jenn @ Delicious Ambiguity said... 6

This is awesome. Thanks for doing this. I am grateful to find ideas for sensory boxes all in 1 place. I've linked up! :)

Cara said... 7

This is SUCH a great idea. My son love sensory tubs, and I love making them. I actually just made 4 to give as gifts. I linked to a post about them, but couldn't fit them all in the linky title. The "Sensory Bin Extravaganza" post includes the following themed bins: Ice Cream Shop, Rock Garden, Ocean, and Rainbow. Can't wait to check out all the fabulous ideas!

Unknown said... 8

Cute, Cute! I loved doing the tubs when I taught too! I'm a new follower! :)

Michelle said... 9

I'm loving the sensory ideas. What are you doing with them when something else is in rotation. I mean, where are you storing it?

Leesa said... 10

This is a fantastic list of sensory tub ideas! Thank you for posting these. We absolutely love sensory boxes in our house and I make at least 1 new each month.

Maureensk said... 11

Thanks for your comment. Wasn't trying to copy your idea, I had no idea your link up existed when I started mine, or I never would have started it! I love the split peas - what a great way to add green without having to dye anything!

Anonymous said... 12

This is a great idea! I'm sure to refer to often. I'm currently teaching about frogs. Any sensory table ideas out there with this theme in mind?

Stefanie in CA

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