Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekly Wonders #5: March 7th 2010

I'm beginning to think that these Weekly Wonder Posts are probably becoming a bit of a bore for some of you. They are pretty lengthy and often cover the same things week to week. But you know what, although these take some work on my part, I have really enjoyed doing them and also having them here in the archives.

Looking back over the week that was, makes be sit down and smell the roses so to speak, makes me see how much really goes on each and every day, even those days when I don't feel like much has happened. They have also made me a better mum and a better educator. I am striving to include as much as I can in our days (still have a long way to go) whilst also finding that balance of plenty of down time.

I also like that in time I will have an easy reference to find things that we have done, learnt about or just had fun with.

I've noticed a few other bloggers feeling intimidated by various online Weekly Wrap Posts and last year I felt that way too. I've worked through that and am now able to see the other weekly wrap ups for what they are, another homeschool family's week of learning and fun. It is not our family or our homeschool, it is someone else's, we do need to remember that. Plus I also love seeing what others are doing week to week, it gives me inspiration, ideas and encouragement to move forward.

So if you've been thinking about starting weekly wrap ups, ensure you are doing them for the right reason - for you and your family - and don't be intimdated, just do what works for you.

We're 5 weeks into the term (3 more to go, for us anyway) and I am starting to feel the, "I need a little wee break feeling." All of this blogging, making stuff for the kids, learning, creating and being busy is exhausting. So I am doing a super condensed Weekly Wonders Post, even though we've had a full on week.

Our Circle Time

Enjoying this immensely, still very much winging it though and am working on some plans for this time of the day. I am currently busy printing and laminating Jolanthe's latest Skip Counting and Weather Chart Printables which we will start using this week.

Outdoors Together

Well it basically rained all week here. I think we were lucky enough to get in that one scooter ride the day the kids made their rainbow streamers.

Tot School

Was pretty much life school this week, C basically just participated in as much of our St Patrick's Day activities as he could. Of course there is always plenty of reading, singing and giggling going on with tot school.

Preschool Corner

K has loved all of this 'making things fun' we've had with St Patrick's Day. She is definitely the little crafter.

Grade School

We seem to have gotten over another hurdle just recently with B's school work. Nearly every day this week he has completed his Language Arts work without asking me to read anything!! He has also taken to asking for his work as soon as he ready in the mornings, as opposed to waiting for me to call him. I've had to pick my jaw up off the floor a few mornings this week. I think all of the routine we've had over the past few weeks is starting to show the rewards I was seeking.

Everyone enjoyed our St Patrick's Day theme this week and we are looking forward to continuing that during this week.

One the very big highlights of the week was B and K going to Sydney and to the Taronga Zoo for the weekend. This was their Christmas present from Grandma (dad tagged along for the ride also).

It was K's first time on a plane so a very exciting experience for her.

I was a little bit jealous because I desperately wanted to see the new Baby Elephant at the zoo and can you believe that they didn't even bring me home a photograph, shocking I tell you, shocking.

In fact the whole experience was quite light on when it comes to photographic memories, now isn't that why you need your mum with you!!! But here's a few snapshots, if you look carefully you can see the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background whilst they are on the ferry.

However I think the hands down ultimate winner of the week would have to have been this

Yes even with all the rain they managed to get our pool finished YAY!!! And yes it is raining and cold but of course they have swam all weekend, what else is a kid to do when you have a new pool in your own back yard.

Have a listen to their excitement in the video.

This video shows a bit more of our the deck area and our new outdoor area. It is still a work in progress and quite a bit of mess is around so you will have to excuse all of that (and the tradesmen yakking in the background hehehehe)

So all in all a full on super busy week.


Caz said... 1

Kylie, your weekly wraps aren't boring.. it's cool to see what other ppl are doing with their kids. It's a good way to steal ideas if you're feeling uninspired ;)

The weather HAS been absymal this week, hasn't it!?! I hope it clears up a bit soon because OUTSIDE time is needed! I sincerely hope to see you guys tomorrow, Sam is good, and Frodo has been fairly ok today (no temps yay!). Wish me luck lol.

Elinor said... 2

I also enjoy reading what other home school families have been doing during the week. Very often you can get a great idea that you may find works with your family. I some times write what our family does so that my extended family and friends know what we have been up too.
have a great week

Debbie said... 3

I went through a spell, where I felt the same way as you are about the weekly wrap ups. I was thinking I needed to do more and more to compete with the other homeschoolers.

I learned my lesson though, the more I pushed the more disengaged Selena became. I have since learned to relax and just do what we are doing. I love to do my weekly updates now, not so much for everyone else but for me, so I know where we are, what we have accomplished and to help me plan out my next week.

I never get bored reading what you or anyone else are doing in their homes, truly it inspires me and I take what I feel will work, and leave what I know won't. I guess we have to remind ourselves that our blog is for us, and our kids, we have to want to write and read what we post and not worry about what others might be thinking, so many times its the little things we think are so repetitive or hum drum, that inspire others to keep plugging away!

You had a great week, and I love the swimming pool!

Anonymous said... 4

Everything you have all been doing is so interesting! I love the weekly wrap-ups and hope you keep posting them.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said... 5

Even though I am not homeschooling, I love weekly wrap-ups. I learn a lot from other people doing things with their children whether they are homeschoolers or just "involved parents" like myself. It's fun to see where everyone is, especially with the kids my daughter's age. So jealous of your pool :)

Kez said... 6

I love your weekly wrap-ups! It inspires me to read what other people do and I get to "steal" ideas :)

Anonymous said... 7

Just keep doing for yourself its a great record if nothing else. But you have a wonderful gift with narrative and you presant it in such a way anyway that anyone does take the time to read it its always pleasurable. You are doing a wonderful job my lovely.

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