Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hopping Number 6

1. What time is it right now?


2. What are you wearing?

Jammies, just got out of the shower.

3. What is your mood?

Calm, but tired.

4. What is one thing your children learned today?

The Parts of a Plant and a Flower.

5. What did you (or are having) for dinner?

Fried Rice

6. What's one book you are currently reading?

David Gettman's Montessori.

7. What behaviour (in people) is the most common but also the rudest?


8. What can you see out of your nearest window right now?

It's pretty dark, can just make out some trees and a house or two over yonder.

9. What are you currently praying for?

That the cyclone off the north coast of Queensland doesn't pass over the coast

10. What is your favourite hot beverage?

Chai Vanilla Latte Yum Yum Yum

MckLinky Blog Hop


Caz said... 1

NOM, fried rice is our friday tradition! I'm keeping an eye on that cyclone as well.. a bit nervewracking to watch isn't it.

Elise said... 2

It is so much fun reading everyone's responses to these Homeschool Hops. I have been debating whether or not to take part, as I don't consider myself a homeschooler, although we do lots of play based learning. You have come up with such great ideas for this blog hop.

Kylie, I do subscribe to the Family Fun magazine from the US. I believe you can get the information you need to subscribe to it from here:

I really enjoy browsing through this magazine when it arrives in the post, it's a great source of inspiration. It is always chock full of great ideas. Savvy loves looking through it too!

Debbie said... 3

Yummy fried rice. I should make some here soon.

Ms Eva said... 4

I'm so excited to have found your blog & these challenges! Chai vanilla latte..... Yummy!

Lisa @ Our Country Road said... 5

We are just starting the day you ended. That is always a strange part of the internet community to me. Hope the cyclone doesnt get any where near you!

legendswife said... 6

Hi, I'm sloowly following this week's hop. Thanks for joining. Fried rice sounds soo good:)
God Bless

Debbie said... 7

Where have I been? I missed the post with your answers! I am with you on the people swearing, it drives me crazy to hear such language all the time.

My husband approached a couple fellows one time for swearing in a public place and in front of our children, he was informed it is their right under freedom of speech. My husband said yes and it is my right to not have to hear it too. We removed our children from the situation. LOL

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