***This Giveaway is now Closed ***
I love planning, the digging, the searching, the preparing of it all. So when I saw that Kendra from Aussie Pumpkin Patch had designed a planner for homeschoolers I was excited to see more.
Kendra was nice enough to send me a copy of her planner and boy has she put some work into this!
If you are a Homeschooler, regardless of your style and if you are a FIAR user you will definitely find this planner helpful to say the least and I know that it is going to be extremely helpful in our homeschool too.
The planner has been designed in modules, so you can easily pick and choose the modules that will work for you or you may prefer to purchase them all. After seeing it I know what I would choose that's for sure.
Make sure you keep reading so you don't miss the details of the giveaway!
Module 1: The Main Planner
This module is the main part of the planner with a total of 28 pages inside!
- 2 different covers to chose from.
- A year long calendar page
- 4 Weekly planning pages.
- Library list
- Resource list
- Curriculum Wish List Page
- 10 Different note taking pages with a total of 5 different images {some created with less images for more economical printing}
Module Two: The Monthly Calendar Pages
This module holds the monthly calendar pages and consists of 24 different pages!
- A perpetual Calendar page for each month. You fill in the calendar with numerals, holidays, and other bits.
- Monthly Holiday & more planning page. Some ideas for the use of this module are upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, holidays {serious, funny, Australian, US, etc.} Nature/Science ideas for the month, and craft ideas. On the bottom of each of these pages is a different educational quote as well.
Module Three: Deeper Planning Pages
- One Math planning page to help you keep track of your resources, manipulatives, and the topic or your lesson
- One Math Class Note taking page where you can write out more in depth plans or jot down whatever you need in order to help your lessons go off smoothly
- Three unit study planning pages to help you keep track of your plans for each subject {math, science, Language Arts, history, geography, social studies} as well as your resources & field trip ideas
- One unit study note page to keep track of your plans and goals for the unit study as you plan it out, teach it, and enjoy it.
- One Lapbook/Notebook planning page complete with a large and roomy doodle box! You can plan out what you want your page to look like before you even sit down at the computer.
Module Four: Home Helpers
This module has 21 pages to help you plan the weekly happenings around your home.
- 8 weekly planning pages; 4 different images some with lines for writing on, some without for those who like to color "outside the box". There's room to jot down appointments or things to do for each day of the week, a daily chore checklist, space to jot down a Bible verse for the week, and more.
- 4 weekly menu plans; different images for different weeks of the month!
- 4 different shopping lists
- 4 different recipe cards
- 2 pages to keep track of the important people in your life and their personal details {telephone, email, address, etc.}
Modules 1 - 4 Combined
82 pages from all of the above Modules!
- Module One: The Main Planner 28 pages
- Module Two: Calendar Pages 25 pages
- Module Three: Deeper Planning Pages 8 pages
- Module Four: Home Helper Pages 21 pages
Module Five: Homeschool Book Of Days
The, 18 page, stand alone module which works as a journal of your homeschool journey.
That sure is a whole lot of homeschool planning and journalling in amongst all of those cute little pages that Kendra has worked so hard on putting together. I've already begun using mine and am thrilled with it!
For more information about the Planner and Homeschool Book Of Days Journal be sure to visit Aussie Pumpkin Patch and the detailed overview of the planners.
For more information about the Planner and Homeschool Book Of Days Journal be sure to visit Aussie Pumpkin Patch and the detailed overview of the planners.
So do you want to win a copy for yourself? I bet you do, don't you?
Kendra was kind enough to offer ONE Copy of the Planner and ONE Copy of The Homeschool Book of Days to giveaway to you, my lovely readers.
Giveaway Entry Details
You can receive up to SEVEN entries to win, they are as follows
- Follow Our Worldwide Classroom blog, either via Google Friends Connect or via an RSS Feed (both in the sidebar) Yes existing followers are welcome to use that as ONE entry.
- Follow Aussie Pumpkin Patch blog, either via Google Friends Connect or via an RSS Feed (both in the sidebar) Yes existing followers are welcome to use that as ONE entry.
- Share this giveaway on Facebook (be sure to leave a link in your comment here)
- Tweet about this giveaway
- Share via a blog post (be sure to leave a link to the post in your comment here)
Giveaway Information
- This giveaway will close Monday May 9th Midnight Australian EST . The winners will be announced within 48 hours.
- Only comments left on this post are eligible and be sure to include a way for me to contact you in your comments otherwise another winner will be drawn.
- The Planner is available in both US and AUS paper sizes, please be sure to leave a note in your comment stating which one you would prefer.
- Be sure to leave a seperate comment for each entry option.
- Winners will be chosen at random. All international entries accepted.
Disclosure: I was given a copy of The Planner and The Homeschool Book of Days in order to review and offer this giveaway.

Don't forget to vote my blog over at Circle Of Moms.
Just click the image above once a day, every day between now and May 11th.

I've seen a lot of different planners online, but this looks like the one that would work best for me. I follow your blog. : )
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Best wishes
Jen in NSW
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Best wishes
Jen in NSW
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Looks great! I'd love to enter. I follow OWC. =)
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This will be my first year homeschooling and I am glad that I came across this site! I am now a follower!
Thanks :)
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My first year of homeschooling will be this Fall, I'm am going to need to be super organized since I also have a baby due September 2nd! *I am an RSS Follower!*
I just love this journal! And Planner! I use her one of her free planners right now and I love it!
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laura bell hull at aol dot com
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laurabell hull at aol dot com
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