Friday, March 26, 2010

Teaching With Picture Books

*Edited* I am now adding all links here to articles and lists about Teaching with Books in general, not just picutre books and not only history.

I am currently gathering lists and links of Picture Books relating to a historical point in time. We've begun this year by teaching history through picture books and I would like to continue on that path where possible. In fact I like to 'teach' as much as I can from books so I will continue to edit this post as I find lists.

This list of links is really just for me but I am sure someone will benefit from them. If you are aware of other History Picture Book Lists or just great lists of picture books relating to a particular topic, please let me know.

US History Through Picture Books

Picture This - this is a 29 page document with picture books broken down into subjects

A Book In Time - history suggestions

Australian Children's Books

All Australian, not only Picture Books

Australian History

Are So Happy's Favourite Picture Books


Pebblekeeper ~ Angie said... 1

Thanks! I bookmarked these, I love reading picture books to the kiddos in the afternoons, having a direction of the book is great! Oregon read Apples to Apples for our Oregon History, library wide last year, it was fun having everyone reading the same book. I look forward to browsing the lists. :)

Keith Schoch said... 2

Although I'm a public teacher, most of my relatives homeschooled, and I know they had great success with picture books.

Please check out my blog, Teach with Picture Books, for lots of terrific titles and related links and actvities.

Wendy said... 3

Hi Kylie!
I will try to get a list to you! I loved using books as the core of my teaching, too. It's an excellent method, I think. It becomes imperative to find excellent books, though, right? My friend, Bonnie, was and is a wonderful resource for me, and we have our own lists, and collections. So, I'll get back to you on this. I didn't start with picture books, though, so I'll ask Bonnie about that (she has a collection of over 20,000 books:)

Natalie PlanetSmarty said... 4

I don't have any suggestions at the moment, but bookmarking this post for the future reference - thanks for sharing those great links. Very impressive art in the post below too!

MommyWise said... 5

Great links... I was literally just looking up picture books for history reading...!!!

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