You may recall me mentioning that we've been working on an Animal Kingdom Notebook over the past few weeks. This is not being completed as one big giant unit. The plan is that we will add to it slowly, little by little, as we come across an animal that fascinates us or as it relates to other units of work we are doing.
For example when my youngest worked on activities for the picture book Caps For Sale, the older two chose a monkey each to research. We recently spent some time with Owls, so they have featured in the Animal Kingdom Notebook also.
Currently we are looking at Ocean Life and everyone is trying to decide which sea animals are 'notebook worthy'. After all there is such an abundance of sea life we can't possibly notebook all of them.
However, with our notebooks set up the way they are, in simple 2 ring binders, we can continue to add to these for years to come. Each child building their very own researched Animal Kingdom Reference binder. This gives each of them the freedom to add any animal they wish whenever they wish, along with anything we all do together.
I am really looking forward to watching this project grow and develop with the children.
I've kept it simple, the cover page above slides into the front clear cover of the 2 ring binder. Inside it is broken into two main categories, that of Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
These are the divider sheets for the Vertebrate section of the binder,
along with divider pages for the Invertebrate section.
Currently I have prepared two 'Animal Notebooking Pages', one with less detail for a younger child and the other covers classification and allows more space for research.
At some point I will probably need to add to these again as the children enter their high school years. I have been tossing around a simple way to do this with our preschooler also. If I do come up with something I'm happy with I'll be sure to share with you though.
If you'd like to begin an Animal Notebook Binder with your children you can download the full colour binder pages by clicking here.
You can also download the blank Animal Notebooking page by clicking here. The notebooking page for younger children can be found at this link.
If your children keep or begin an Animal Notebook I'd love to see it!
Linking this to:

These look fantastic and will be a great addition to the science curriculum we will be using in the fall, although I think we may get started earlier! I was able to the download the dividers, but not the actual pages... can you help? Thanks!!
Thanks for share so many beautiful works and activities!
Gracias por compartir tan bello trabajo y tantas actividades!!
Andrea I have amended the post with the links directly to each page. :-)
I love this Kylie. Thank you for sharing. I can see us using these resources next year as my son's interest in animals continues to grow.
I love this! My daughter is an animal lover and I can see her really enjoying this activity.
love these so much! I shared with my hs friends. I was able to download the cards but not the notebook pages. Can you help?
My daughter loves animals and this will be perfect for her! Thank you so much for sharing - I found you through pinterest. I downloaded the dividers but, like Andrea, was not able to access the information pages. I hope no one else is having this problem. Could you let me know when they will be available? (lilmacabbeylane at yahoo dot com) Thank you so much!!
Thank you so much for making this available. We are looking forward to making our own notebooks.
I have updated the links in the post again. They appear to be working fine for me now. Please let me know if you continue to have problems with them :-)
What a cool unit! It looks so thorough!! And I love that you shared it free - so generous.
Thanks for sharing your creativity over at TGIF! I appreciate you taking the time to link up!! I featured this post today here;
Hope you can pop over and link up again today =) Have a great weekend,
Man, I wish you'd shared this like 2 years ago when we were first starting animals :). I'd have used this so often. I'm sure I'll be bringing it in somehow though!
Thanks for sharing this on Science Sunday!
This is wonderful, Kylie! Thanks so much for sharing your free printables! I featured your post as the Free Printable(s) of the Day at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page (and on Pinterest)
Thank you so much for these! We'll definitely use it in our activities!
Thanks! Looks great.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I was working on something nearly identical and it was taking me forever. Now I can put my time to better use! Thanks again!
Thanks for sharing. We study a lot about animals but this year we are going into differnt claases /types. These will be great.
Thank you very much for these materials. My 3yo daughter is an animal nut & will make good use of these.
Really nice notebooking pages! I have been looking for something like this, and what a treat to find it free. Thanks for sharing!
we added these pages to our history collection at Geography pages
Love these! Thank you for your work and and for sharing.
we are starting an animal kingdom unit this fall and this is exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you so much for sharing!
Hi. I got some good information on my son's project work on Animal Kingdom. Ii will definitely use your ideas.
my son is don't have spiders and beetles listed!!!!!! :) MOM! Why isn't she studying them???? I told him you might not have them individually pictured.
This is great! Thank you for sharing.
LOL That is cute Annette, please let him know they come under Arthropods, which is most definitely included!
This is wonderful! But I can't find the links to download. Were they removed or am I just blind? ;)
The download links are all in the bottom of the blog post. Cheers
Thank you so much for these. We are starting a unit on zoology and these are perfect. We really appreciate you sharing.
Thank you so much for these. We just got a new pet and these will be perfect for recording what we learn about her.
thank you!
nice blog
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