~ C1 is currently 12 months & 2 weeks ~
We acquired a Floopy, a what? A Floopy, yes a Floopy. It is a long bendable, soft threading implement, with oversize beads to go with it. This is a fabulous Tot School Tool and C1 loves it! As do B7 & K5 I might add.
This week it was C1's Uncles Birthday and we spent the day with him and the family at Burleigh Heads. We enjoyed a lovely BBQ breakfast and then spent the rest of the morning playing in the playground and exploring the rockpools.
Who needs a sensory play box when you have this to explore. These photo's don't show it but this area was covered in shells, literally covered. I don't think I have ever seen that many shells in one place. C1 had a blast, climbing and exploring here.

He knows how clever he is, he stands there, looking around and waiting for someone to clap him on his job well done, with a huge big grin on his face. All he needs now is to lift a foot and he'll be off.

He loves being outdoors and exploring so of course there was plenty of that this week. Mostly just in the back yard but also watching B7 at his soccer match on the weekend.

Make sure to stop by 1+1+1=1 to have at look at what everyone else got up to during their Tot School this week.
That floppy looks too cool! How fun!
I know that was a fabulous find. :)
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