I hope you will continue to join us every day this week for more great Tips For Homeschooling Parents.
Do your children have ample downtime in their day?
Time spent with nothing to do but whatever they please!
Do they have time every day to run, play and simply do nothing if that is what they choose?
Science is proving time and time again that kids with not enough downtime are highly stressed and generally unhappy.
Granted the amount of downtime required is generally different for each of us but take the time to watch your children, to figure out what is the right amount of time. Often their behaviour throughout the day is a clear indicator if we are open to seeing it.
My daughter as an example, after she has had a very busy day, almost always retreats to our backyard, to do nothing. Out there she reconnects with herself, with the earth and with her quiet space. She digs, she gardens, she cartwheels, she sings and she bounces on the trampoline.
This is important for her and with out she becomes easily frazzled.
Homeschool Tip #5
Work 'downtime' into your routine. Both your children and your body and mind will thank you for it.
We gather with friends to learn 1 - 2 times per week and have been doing so for about 3 or so years now. We call this our micro-schooling way of learning.
This has truly invigorated our home school. Whilst we don't always get to choose what we are learning, we do love and always embrace these days.
The children are encouraged and cheered on by their friends and the other adults that are doing the teaching. They experience co-operative learning on a regular basis and have the opportunity to create long lasting friendships
Homeschool Tip #6
Grab some friends and do some learning together. If you are new at this, start with some simple, some art classes or science experiments and let it grow from there.
More Tips For Homeschool Parents
Each day this week I am sharing links right here to the other bloggers that are joining in with the Tips For Homeschool Parents blog hop.The blogs I link to will also be different each day so you will find heaps of variety and you never know, you may just find your new favourite blog!
Jeniffer @ Thou Shall Not Whine ~ Jennifer @ A Peace of Mind ~ Jennifer @ Faithful Homestead ~ Joelle @ homeschooling for His Glory ~ Joesette @ Learning Curve ~ Kari @ Random Acts of Boyhood ~ Katie @ Katie's Daily Life ~ Kemi @ Homemaking Organized ~ Kim @ Homestead Acres

Happy Homeschooling Friends,
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In the beginning of our journey, I packed our schedule. Then I realized it was too much, for all of us. Now, we only belong to one group, and I let my kids pick and choose which activities they want to do. The rest of the time is purely unscheduled, and we love it!! It's so much more relaxing and leaves us time for all kinds of spontaneous adventures.
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