C has been his very busy, very chatty self and is growing in leaps and bounds. We still aren't doing a great deal of 'formal' tot school time but he is thriving none the less. Having two older siblings with him is an amazing experience, not only for him and the olders but also for me to witness. Truly one of the great blessings of choosing the home school lifestyle.

Daddy brought home a surprise package of a 6 pack of shaving craem, yes a six pack! So two each and well as you can C see had a ball!

When it comes to hats and shoes he certainly isn't like most other kids, you know they generally never want to wear a hat or shoes, he loves them and will wear anyone's shoes if given the opportunity. K's are just about perfect as they are cool, cause they are bigger than his but at least he can still walk in them ;-)

He wouldn't allow this little sand digger to get the better of him, it really takes quite a bit of muscle power to get these things going.

He always chooses hammering from the shelves and loves this, although he particularly likes to have 'mummy do it' , I'm not sure if it is because I can make a louder noise or that I just get the little things hammered in faster than he does.

He loved this bean bag throwing exercise and did a pretty good job at it too.

This is actually the first time I showed him this activity. I picked up the set of 3 nesting containers from the thrift store. We need to do alot more work with these.

He has however mastered this little 3 piece puzzle, He really struggled with it the last time it was out, just over a month ago, but he put it together first go this time.

On the shelves above C's I have out a few things for the olders and he spotted these balance scales and he set about weighing crayons and cars.

I was very surprised when he chose this peg box, he normally doesn't like it but obviously something has happened over the last month as he has mastered this one now as well.
For more Toddler Activities be sure to visit:
Toddler Tuesday at One Hook WonderTot Tuesday at Delicious AmbiguityTot School at 1+1+1=1