For a print, cut and colour activity these are really quite cool. K put them together (with Grandma's help) during a recent sleepover the kids had.
An easy way to get some math into an activity and the kids won't even realise. Just have them measure the strips needed for each little doll (a printable template is available also)
They nest in together quite nicely.
Printable Russian Nesting Dolls can be printed from Activity Village.
These are absolutely precious! I've always wanted an authentic set of nesting dolls of some sort. Maybe I'll have to print these and play with them!
What a great idea for a bit of fun and some math. ;)
Oh they are just lovely!!! I'm going to be printing out some for my girls - they would love that!!!
Bianca xx
I just stumbled upon the same printable - somehow matryoshkas are the most popular Russian craft :)
I have decided to print these out and take them in to "Sammy" tomorrow at the hospital. I am going to buy some nice coloured pencils and sit there with her while she does them. Thanks for the idea!!!! :D
I like the way they "nest" in together like the real dolls. We'll be using these one day, thanks :)
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