Easter was the focus for the children's Multicultural Art Lessons this week. In fact Easter Egg Trees from Germany. I wasn't aware of this tradition so went a googling. I didn't find a great deal of information though, this article discusses the Easter Trees and another here has a little video.
These have been painted on a canvas and are now hanging on the wall with our Easter Garland they'll be fabulous to use year after year and we will continue to add to our display for Easter.
The background and trees are painted, the children then drew egg shapes on construction paper, painted them and glued them to their trees.
Past Multicultural Art Posts:
Chinese Dragons
Aboriginal Dot Paintings
You guys are just so talented (and enthusiastic)!
This is wonderful. I live in Germany now...and really haven't thought of posting about it. Yes, almost every household/business/city fountain have this as an Easter decoration.
It's quite cute for decorations...Yes, their artwork is Lovely!! ;)
Cool post.
These are beautiful trees! Love all the colors! Thanks for sharing! BTW, I just made a comment on your egg garland post! That was a fun craft to do and I shared about it today! :)
How fun! We do have a "real" Easter tree in our house, I might put the picture on my blog tomorrow. These painted trees look gorgeous!
Happy Easter :-)
more great work from some very artistic kids!!
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