I am embarassed to admit that in the 8 years of having children I have not done any type of keepsake handprint craft with them.
But not any more. We whipped up these little numbers just in time for Fathers Day. Four in fact, dad, grandad's and great grandad. Many thanks to this blog for the inspiration.
They were very easy to put together. Originally I had thought I would put out various plates of coloured paint and let the children choose, dump their hands in and print. Thankfully I saw sense before we headed down that road. Three, children, plates of paint, hands coverd in paint, a moderately windy day and supposedly waiting their turn!!!
So one by one I had them choose their colour of preference, I painted their hands and then they stamped. They washed their hands ready for the next go. Remember we made four of these so we had a nice little production line happening. All flowed rather smoothly, until C decided on his very last turn that he wanted to do the painting. This I had anticipated, but granted that it was right on his bed time I knew that I could have had a potential disaster on my hands. Thankfully somehow, I managed to explain to him that he couldn't possibly paint both of his hands with the paint brush and thankfully somehow I got through to him. phew!
I love these, they are so simple but will bring many memories for years to come.
Happy Fathers Day.

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