Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Family Fun: A Trip To Sandgate & An Ice Machine

We recently took a drive over to Sandgate. A smallish bayside suburb approximately 40 minutes from home.

I don't ever remember having visited Sandgate and our kids certainly have never been there before.

We have an Ice Machine over that way, yes rather strange I know but the kids have heard dad talk about his Ice Machine since before Christmas so it was high time we took the trip over so they could see it in all its' glory.

Be forewarned, this is not visually exciting but the kids were very keen to see it and how it worked and I figure there is probably a family member or two that wouldn't mind to have a sticky beak at it also.

The Ice Machine is situated on the main thoroughfare through Sandgate, in front of a Bait and Tackle store and across the way from a Service Station.

B especially was keen to see the workings of the machine and now we can tick off some 'technology learning' too!

Here they are refilling the bags. The machine self fills bags and spits them out of the front.

C and K played happily under the stairs after they had finished their look at the contraption.

Of course once the 'money compartment' was opened everyone ran to have a look.

And what's a visit to an Ice Machine without taking home a bag of ice! Waiting patiently, it's a little noisy.

And there's the glorious bag of ice everyone was waiting for.

We took the opportunity to spend some time over near the water whilst visiting Sandgate. There is a lovely long esplanade with many shady trees that were all being used by locals.

The kids spotted this rather small playground immediately and spent some time playing on and around it.

The tide was definitely out but this provided loads of little pools to paddle and play in whilst we made our way out to the waters edge.

There were several schools of tiny little fish in these pools that everyone wanted me to capture on film. A completely impossible task. We all know what fish do if you even come within a few feet of them! That didn't stop everyone chasing around though.

The higlight was the many jellyfish washed up on the shore, this one was particularly large.

All three wanted to bring it home and cook it. Yes you read that right, they wanted to cook it!!

Of course what's a day by the water without fish and chips under a shady tree. (not quite sure what C and DH are discussing there)

What's the one thing that are always around wherever folks are eating, near the sea. Our good friends the seagulls!!

It took C and K all of about 3 seconds to 'shoo' them away.

A lovely way to spend a few hours with my gorgeous family.


Anne-Marie R said... 1

Well, I have now seen the famous ice machine! It is bigger than I was picturing. LOL

Natalie PlanetSmarty said... 2

This looks like such a great trip!

Anonymous said... 3

I love it!! And yes the Ice Machine is bigger than I was picturing it too. Sandgate has been one of our favourite places to have fish n chips on a sunday arvo with Chriss side of the family. If u like sandgate u will also like redcliffe and my fav of the 2 shorncliffe. Great playground for the kids amongst roots of the trees. Kids can spend hours there.

Nicole {tired, need sleep} said... 4

Well? Did you take the jellyfish home and cook it?! ;) You just never said one way or the other and I'd like to know, hee hee. This sounds like a lovely day with your family! Love the ice machine, and how fascinated they were with it. :)

Kylie said... 5

LOL Nicole, absolutely not!!! It did cross my mind to say yes but I had nothing with me to transport it...maybe another time.

And yes the Ice Machine is way bigger than you expect. :-)

It is very similar to Jacobs Well and Cabbage Tree Jo, just down the road from us, but obviously with a much nicer esplanade etc!

Anonymous said... 6

What a lovely family day! Now I know what an ice machine looks like...I'm learning something new everyday :)

The Adventurer said... 7

Can you cook jelly fish?;) What a gorgeous day on the beach. I have never seen an ice machine before so that was neat for me to see.

Anonymous said... 8

What a lovely day out! I think I'll miss the relatively empty beaches of Australia. Going to the "Jersey Shore" (New Jersey where my folks live) is nothing like what you posted or the beaches where we spent a lot of time in Adelaide. You have to pay to go onto the beach (otherwise you have to stay on the wooden boardwalks). It's packed with people and you can't bring food or drink out onto the beach!

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