You might remember awhile ago I mentioned this little book that C adores, it is very cute, full of lots of noises that the different cars make. The illustrations are quite clever also and we thought it would be fun to recreate our own Toot Toot Beep Beep Paintings.

Just so you have an idea this is one page inside the book. It appears for this page the illustrator has used a roller for the road and then has cut and glued the car pieces together.

So the first step was to make up plenty of coloured bits and pieces that could used to cut apart and piece together to make our cars.

We used scapers of all sorts to paint and scrape different patterns onto the paper with poster paints in lots of different colours. Whilst waiting for them to dry we read the story again and looked more closely at how the pictures were put together. The kids then decided how they would do their backgrounds.
Then set upon cutting (which B did the majority of) and pasting their cars together and finally gluing them down on their backgrounds.

This is B's, with a simple side view road and a zebra crossing.

K decided to do a roundabout with a garden/grass area in the centre.
This was fun and different. We have heaps of pre painted paper left over to make other pictures (not necessarily cars) sometime down the track.
My son loves that book as well! I love how the paintings turned out... very creative!
This book sounds super cute!
Awesome! I so want to do this with my kiddos. :)
good job
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