Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hinze Dam Picnic & Playground Area

The main picnic and playground area at Hinze Dam is below the dam wall level, so unfortunately you don't get to sit and look over the water's of the dam whilst you picnic. Today though there was definitely water to see, with the spillway booming with the flow of water.

Whilst the area is not large, it is fairly well designed and at this point very well maintained. The playground is pretty standard fair and most little ones will be happy spending some time on it.

The small toilet block is right behind the playground which makes for easy access and no road walking for kids.

Across the car park are sheltered barbecue's and a couple of sheltered picnic tables. A small grassy area meanders down closer to the waters edge.

This swing was of course the highlight of the playground for the bigger two and my guess is it would be for any slightly older child.

It brought back many memories from our trip last year, when we found a swing just like this one down near Bateman's Bay.

Little Surfer Dude decided that the regular playground was more to his liking, the extreme - o - meter on this ride was notched just a little high for him!

Whilst it was later in the afternoon during our visit, I got the feeling that this area probably doesn't get overly busy. I am sure we will return here again soon.

Check out the other side of the dam wall at this post.


Kez said... 1

That is a cool swing!!

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