Wednesday, February 20, 2013

FIAR: Caps For sale

We've been rowing the delightful story of Caps For Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina, if you haven't read this to your kids, you really must!

We made fingerprint monkey's in a tree, the kids loved this and were very keen to add the finishing touches of leaves and grass.

You can't possibly read this story and not spend some time trying to balance caps on your head, lots of giggling happening here!!

A rhyming sheet from Homeschool Creations printable pack to go along with this story.

We measured stacks of caps, in centimetres though, not inches.

I googled some images of various monkey's from the around the world and we placed them on a world map, discussing what some of their habitats are like as we did this.

We completed mini books from Homeschool share and learned lots about monkeys. Where they fit in to the Animal Kingdom, their characteristics and the things they like to eat.

We've just started doing some research on a monkey of choice. Once completed these notebooking pages will go into our Animal Kingdom Notebooks. I'll share more about those soon.

Little Surfer Dude, thoroughly enjoyed recording his first narration.

My Pinterest Board for all things related to Caps For Sale

Before Five In A Row Link Up at Delightful Learning

Printables at Homeschool Share

Printables at Homeschool Creations

The Story About Ping

Aussie Book Adventures


Liesl -- The Homeschool Den said... 1

I just saw an email from Homeschool Share (Feb. 23) that they have pulled most of their FIAR resources. They might repackage some of them, but they are removing the FIAR name from their site. I hope this doesn't affect your plans too much. :( It's sad because Homeschool Share really had an amazing selection of materials to go with all those books, though I understand why they felt they needed to do that.

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