What a fabulously useful giveaway this one has been. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to enter and for stopping by Aussie Pumpkin Patch to check out the Planner further.
I used Random.org to pick the winners but have no idea how to get the little image on here (can someone tell me for future reference please ;-) ).
So without further ado the winning commenters are:
- The winner for the Planner is
Comment 33 Michelle said...
- Shared on FB.
- The winner for the Journal is
Comment 18 Kim Monaco said...
- I'm following your blog via GFC. Thanks!
Once again thanks for those that entered and don't forget to grab yourself a copy of the planner jump over to Aussie Pumpkin Patch.

Thanks for stopping by and for the compliments on Adrienne's oil painting!
I am not doing anything extra, besides having the supplies available for her to do more! She took a class for homeschoolers for this particular painting. She has always loved art in general, but had never worked with oils before.
yay! I'm so excited to have won the planner! This will be great ~ hopefully a turning point for me (I need this!). =)
I'll need the U.S. paper size. delightfullearning at gmail dot com
thanks Kylie!
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