We recently spent some time learning about the History of Flight.
In particular the first man to fly across the English Channel, Louis Bleriot.
This is an interesting story, although it didn't have the kids on the edge of their seats. It's slow and methodical but we all learned a great deal about flight, perseverance and Louis Bleriot.
We completed several of the lapbook components found over at Homeschool Share. A huge thank you to all that contribute over there. It is a fabulous resource.
When Lego Lover saw what the younger crew were up to he was fast to jump in and ask for his own copy of the lapbooking materials. He has always had a keen interest in flight so I wasn't surprised when he asked to do this one.
Here's a closer look at some of the mini books.
We found and labeled all of the parts on an airplane.
We had some fabulous discussions about trying your hardest, 'getting back up on that horse' so to speak and perseverance with the pack of quotes that are included. We found many ways to relate these quotes back to ourselves so now when someone looks like giving up we jump in with a reminder about Louis Bleriot and his perseverance.
We found France and England on the globe, looking at the English Channel and coloured a small map to go along with that. It took Bleriot thirty six minutes to cross the channel back in the early 1900's.
The kids used google image search to find various images of "ways to travel'.
You simply cannot read this story without looking more closely at the History of Flight itself, this timeline is included in the lapbook materials.
I found this short clip on You Tube - The Animated History of Aviation. It is very well done. Albeit very short and you need to be watching very carefully to see all of the details.
This You Tube Clip is done by a boy for a school project, it's not too bad for covering this in just a few short minutes.
Our cute little popstick plane magnets were a hit and oh so simple!
Once again I displayed whatever items we have on hand to go along with the current topic/theme. The kids did a quick run around and found any planes we had, which wasn't many so they decided to put one together with bristle blocks.
Whilst not one of our most exciting Book Adventures we sure did learn a great deal.
Please visit my Pinterest Board for all of the links to the printable materials, crafts and other Glorious Flight activities.
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