Considering that we are just about smack bang in the middle of winter you'd think that there wouldn't be much going in, but once you actually start looking it is surprising what you find. Even our grass is still fairly green.
We grabbed a basket so we didn't end up with pocketfuls of treasures and headed off.
Some kind of pupa/coccon hidden under a large piece of fallen bark.
These are the weirdest most smelliest fungus I have ever seen. Pretty mesmerising in a weird kind of way though. You can see they have shot up through the recently cut grass clippings as they have grass stuck to their heads. Which by the way is wet and brown eeewwww!
Nearly all of our relatively new lilly pilly's (planted when the pool was finished just before Easter) are all in fruit. The berrries are looking delicious, plump and ready to eat.
The base of fairly large gum, further up the back of the yard. It's pretty clear to see that something is using this to shelter from the cold at night.
Once we'd found fungus they were popping up everywhere. You know like when you never see a certain model car and then you buy one and you see them everywhere!! Well it was just like that in our backyard, lichen and fungi everywere. Even way up high as K very cleverly spotted.
Although we were surprised to see so much life, our little Mulberry Tree is standing there looking all forlorn and waiting for the very last leaf to fall to the ground. I wonder if they enjoy this process or if they just eagerly hang out for spring and all of the fresh buds to appear.
The mandarin tree is very much in fruit although it is looking somewhat sad and the fruit really needs to picked.
We covered just about every square inch of our little piece of wonderland and brought back a few treasures.
The plan is to put a Nature Table together and maybe do a spot of nature crafting.

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