What Is Creating A Masterpiece.
C.A.M is an online subscription based fine arts program, that is suitable for students of all ages. We were provided access to the Monthly Plan option.The video lessons are presented by the artist herself, in an easy to follow step by step manner.
All the lessons are broken into appropriate levels so that you can easily assess the difficulty of which level would best suit the child.
In all there are six levels, plus an art history section, to choose from. Within each level are several art projects all using a wide variety of mediums.
This is not an arts and crafts or simplistic art projects program. This is a fine arts program designed for school age students.
How We Have Used The Program.
When we were first given our family access to C.A.M we immediately set out to explore the site. There is a large number of projects for the children to choose from. After a good look around in each level, watching a few video snippets and downloading the printable supply sheets for a couple of the projects, we settled on choosing an introductory level lesson.
Lessons In Watercolour: Floral Medley
This particular lesson was broken into three step by step videos and it required drying time before moving on to the next step in the video lessons.
Sharon, the artist, walks the students through every step of the process. At first we tried to keep up with her, only pausing the video when we needed. We quickly realised for us it was better to watch the video all the way through and to then go back and begin the lesson ourselves, referring back to the video when required.
From there we moved on to a lesson using oil pastels.
Lesson In Oil Pastel: Winter Cabin
This was a longer lesson with four videos in all, which the kids chose to complete over a couple of days. Each lesson also includes a section with hints and tips to assist you in getting the best out of the video lessons.
My teen decided to tackle one of the lessons with something a little more challenging for him. He does enjoy his art and seems to me to have a natural flair and this program is a good fit for him to be able to work quietly and independently.
Lesson In Soft Pastel: Country Rooster
As I type he is sitting across from me on the other computer browsing the lessons for his next choice.
What We Didn't Like
There's actually not a lot we didn't like about this program. If I had to pick something it would be that my youngest does not thrive in this type of video based art instruction. This is the third program of a similar nature that we have tried and I have come to realise that for now at least this type of art instruction is not for him.
He finds it all quite overwhelming, the watching, the doing, the remembering it all and then add in the fact that his piece never looks like the piece in the video and he simply doesn't enjoy it. My eldest two though are fine working with a video based instruction program, so you just need to really know your kids.
What We Did Like
The variety of what was on offer and the depth at which the student can go if they wish. Some of those upper level pieces are really quite involved, so even some of the most accomplished artists will not be bored here.
The fact that this is true art. It is not craft. It is not cookie cutter art either, that you often see in other programs.
Now that we have settled in to the program I love simply adding 'art' to the list of topics to be completed this week and my eldest two can get themselves online and choose their own project and complete it entirely on their own.
I also really like the variety of mediums on offer in the various lessons:
Block Printing
Conte' Crayon
Copper Tooling
Glass Mosaic
Mixed Media
Oil Painting
Oil Pastel
Silk Painting
Soft Pastel
Wood Burning
Looking Ahead
We were given access to Creating A Masterpiece for six months, in return for our honest review. It has absolutely found a staple place in our week and it will continue to be used here in our homeschool.
Further Details
I always love a true, 'try before you buy' and you can do this with Creating a Masterpiece, with their free sample project.
To view the various ways to subscribe to the Creating A Masterpiece website visit their subscription page.
Want to know more? Visit their website or follow Creating A Masterpiece on facebook.
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Happy Homeschooling,
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