Sunday, March 6, 2016

Multisensory Multiplication

Hands On Multisensory Multiplication

It's pretty much a given that learning multiplication is an important part of any students math career. I also bet that plenty of you have nearly pulled your hair out trying to find ways to learn the times tables with your children.

Whilst some may argue that as long as the child understands the concept then there is no need for the rote memorisation of the times tables themselves. We live in an age where those answers, if need be, are very easy to come by.

I tend to agree with this sentiment, to a point, because if you do take the time to memorise the times tables it sure makes things a whole bunch simpler when moving onto other mathematical concepts.

The question I ask though, does learning the times tables really need to be so damn tedious and boring?

I think, absolutely not!

We are right in the thick of times table territory now so I've gathered all of my supplies together in the one place and I thought I'd share some of them with you.

Our little Monkey Multiplier is a simple device that can easily sit beside the child as they are working on problems.

If they are stumped on a times table problem simply point his toes to the two numbers you wish to multiply and the answer will appear in his hands.

Such a simple idea, but he's so cute to look at!

We've had this guy for quite some time and I really have no idea where I purchased him from.

Learning Wrap Ups are a great hands on tool for practice on the go.

At just 15 centimetres long they are small enough to take in the car.

To use you simply start at the designated starting point and wrap the string around the correct answer, slowly working your way to the bottom of the key.

When finished secure the string at the notch on the bottom of the key. Turn the key over and if your string matches the line markings on the back then you have each answer correct!

Timez Attack is another staple in our home. I attribute this little game to enabling my son to get his times tables down pat. We've never sat and chanted the times tables in a rote fashion. He simply played Timez Attack on a regular basis.

This computer game works on a simple premise of challenges through a castle environment. To get through the stages the player needs to answer the times table questions correctly.

I love these simple Twist & Check Card Games because they are a great way for me to easily get involved. Just by playing a few rounds I can tell quite quickly how we are going when it comes to grasping the tables.

The ones on the left from The learning Ladder are particularly good because you begin with the first pack of 'easy time tables' and then move on to the second pack.

Math U See is our spine when it comes to Multiplication. This is a no bells and whistles program but it is thorough, it teaches well and it gets the job done in a multi sensory way and we will never not use this program.

By combining the video lessons, the workbooks, blocks and all of our other multiplication tools we can generally find something that will appeal to the children on any given day.

Times Tales is a program that's been around for quite some time. I remember seeing the books when they first released them.

They now have them in a new animated version and I can't wait to see how they are received by the kids.

We also own a couple of different times tables song discs, although so far these are not something that have really had much use.

The children haven't overly enjoyed this type of learning and with everything else we have we really haven't needed them. I think this option will be purely a personal one, some kids will love them and others won't.

Check out you tube also as there are heaps of fun times table songs and videos over there.

Posters, again whilst we don't really use these a rote memorisation tool, when we are in the thick of times table territory I always hang a couple around the house.

My sneaky one is to hang a poster behind the toilet door.  One can't help but to sit their chanting the tables in their head ;-)

We also have a few different multiplication books and pull them out if and when needed, especially if we are looking for something different to do.

My daughter made this little treasure box some time ago as part of our Arthimetic Village program.

These are lovely little stories that cover all the basic math operations.

Playing with the counters in the treasure box is such a nice way to explore math concepts.

So whilst I do feel that getting those times tables down pat is an asset to your child's mathematical career there is no way that it needs to be boring.

How do you learn the times tables in your home? Have something different to share, please leave some details in the comments.

If you looking for more even more multiplication ideas be sure to take a look at my Math Pinterest Board.

Follow Our Worldwide Classroom's board Subjects: Math on Pinterest.

Happy Homeschooling,

10 Hands On Ways To Learn The Times Tables

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This post is part of the 2016 Virtual Curriculum Fair. This week the theme is all about discovering patterns through math and science. Please visit some of my fellow homeschool bloggers as they share their posts on the theme. See their links below.

Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses - Thoughts on Math and Science
Kristen @ Sunrise to Sunset  - From Counting to Calculus
Laura @ Day by Day in Our World  - How We Approach Math in This Homeschool Year
Annette @ A Net In Time - Struggling with Math, Loving Science
Annette @ A Net In Time  - Lego Pulleys and Levers
Yvie @ Gypsy Road Hands - On Math with Special Needs Learners
Chelli @ The Planted Trees  - Chemistry Using Living Books
Lisa @ GoldenGrasses  - An Appalling Lack of Curiosity
Edie @ Carter Chaos  - Our Favorite Ways to Study Numbers
Tracey @ A Learning Journey  - Robot Area and Perimeter Art Project
Jennifer @ A Glimpse of Our Life  - Math and Standardized Tests
Sarah @ DeliveringGrace  - Learning Multiplication Tables
Kylie @ Our Worldwide Classroom  - Multisensory Multiplication
Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break  - Science and Stuff
Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory  - Math and Logic - Our Steady Path
Laura @ Four Little Penguins  - Math and Science Love


Erin said...

Some great resources here Kylie! Off to check a couple of them out. I used to be of the school of thought that they will just learn their tables somehow, however I've found that not to be the case, I'm all for memorising these days.

DeliveringGrace said...

I'm always looking for more ideas for multiplication table learning. Thank you.

Chestnut Grove Academy said...

What a great list of resources! We loved Times Tales :D

Kim said...

Great list of math ideas! Timez Attack has been a favourite in our home.

annette @ A net in time said...

love your list of ideas. that monkey would make my lad grin. :)

Visiting through the VCF.

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