Sunday, June 6, 2010

Homeschoolers Uniting and Sharing

This is about home educators, connecting, uniting and sharing ideas together, but still keeping everything on their own blogs.

If you enjoy connecting with other home schooler's, sharing your thoughts on a particular topic, sharing resources found or made then participating in the Home School Blog Hop might just be for you.

The hop runs fortnightly so as not to overwhelm those that join in. There are so many linky's and memes to take part in it can all get a little frantic at times.

The hop covers a different topic each time around so the posts are always varied and we have loads of fabulous responses and ideas on the themes covered. It is not just about getting extra followers, it is about connecting and sharing.

Some of what we have covered so far:

Favourite Subject
A Few of my Favourite Things
State Requirements
10 Random Questions
Why Do You Home School
Introduce Your Family

So come on over and join the next Home School Blog Hop, post will be up on Monday, keep an eye out for it. A couple of upcoming themes are Family Pastimes, Time For Mum.

Click here for the Rules of Participation, unforunately I do not have the time to visit every new blog to check that they have linked correctly. Please include in your post title either the words 'Homeschool Blog Hop' or the details of the current theme and ensure that youhave included the Link Code in your post. Blogs that are not linked correctly are deleted. If you are unsure about your post and it is your first time joining in please contact me.

If you are a regular hopper, please leave a quick comment here. I am going to make a page showing all of the blog hoppers buttons (so you will need to have one on your blog).


  1. I do not have a button yet but hope to soon. I do plan to try and be a regular!

    Amy @ Things and Stuff

  2. No button, except for Science Sunday, someday I'll make one. Actually my plan is to have Jolanthe make one.
    Which is this Monday's?

  3. I'm a regular hopper, but I also don't have a button yet. I might try to make one soon though.

  4. I am a regular hopper, and am having so much fun with it! Thank you for hosting this wonderful Homeschool Hop!

  5. I am a regular hopper, but I also don't have a button...well one that links to anything. I thought I found out how to make one but when I got it on my blog I realized it just sits there and there is no code to be able to grab the button. While I am mentioning it, any pointers would be appreciated.

  6. Okay, I realized as I signed into my blog that my daughter had never signed out. So my comment was put under her name. perigokrystal is not a regular hopper. I am though

  7. Thanks ladies, I will get them up as soon as I can.

    I am sure there is an easier way but I always did my buttons in publisher using Microsoft Clipart, saved the file as a jpg so you can resize etc, upload to photobucket.

    To get the actual code to use, if you need a hand email me and I willdo my best to help, although at times I still have problems with that hahaha

  8. Hi, I've joined in twice, but I'm going to be doing it more regularly.


Make my day, leave a lovely comment :-)