Saturday, June 5, 2010

Our Bambino Academy Work Area

I'm sharing our Bambino Academy Work Area today.

We recently had new shelving put in our home office/home library/school room and I had 4 white bookcases left unused. We've also been juggling our open Montessori Inspired shelves with a toddler (not an easy task I tell you) so I came up with the perfect solution for us for now.

Tot School shelves in the garage. Ok ok I know it is the garage but we already use it for our Art & Craft Studio and have been finding ourselves out there quite a bit so it made sense really.

The biggin's can do their book work at the table and C has free run of the Bambino Academy Shelves and he never has to be told, "Please don't touch that". A very workable solution for us.

I actually have four shelf units, the other is still full of books. I have been adding all of our books to my Library Thing Shelf Space so far I have added just over 400 books and I don't think I am half way there yet. Needless to say it is a huge job and I have piles of books here there and everywhere.

So eventually he will end up with four shelf units, each with three shelves for his things. The top shelf you can see there has items for the biggin's and then above there I have excess books that won't go into our home office/home library/school room.

I try to rotate several items on the shelves every week. Sometimes C barely touches his shelves and other times, like this morning he chooses work after work after work.

I currently have a wide variety of materials out, from puzzles, to nesting/stacking items, magnetic work, peg boxes, shape sorters, threading and hammering.

At the moment I don't leave out consumable activities but I do try to give him at least one type of simple craft activity every day. Stickers, stamping, do a dot markers, playdough, paints etc. As he grows and matures I will start to leave some of those sorts of things on the shelves for him.

He has also been super about putting things away. We've had these shelves up for a few weeks now and it has remained the one area that is continuously tidy and organised and that has mostly come from him. If he forgets a simple reminder is all that is needed and he goes and puts the item away.

So that's our current Bambino Academy Zone, if you'd like to see other work area's for littlies head on over to Carissa's Blog where other tot schooler's have shared their spaces.

For other Montessori Inspired Toddler Work visit One Hook Wonder

Check out My Delicious Ambiguity for other Toddler Fun


  1. so perfect!! C and I want to come over and play too!

  2. Love the shelves, everything looks soo neat and organized!

  3. Hi Kyle!! Love the new look or your blog!! SO BEAUTIFUL!! and love this post!! LOVE YOUR BAMBINO area!! Lovely!!

    Thanks for share it!!
    Big Hugs from Puerto Rico!

  4. I love your toddler shelves , it looks so bright and inviting.

  5. Oh wow - that work area looks great!

  6. Thanks for linking up to Tot Tuesdays! What a great work area. I wish I had the room to organize ours better. I hope you’ll join me again next week for another fantastic party! Have a great week!


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