Sunday, June 6, 2010

Teaching With Books - Share yours

It wasn't long ago that I posted a handful of links on Teaching History with Picture Books. I've been searching and gathering all sorts of lists of great books, not only with a focus on History.

There are some fabulous ideas out there if you have the time to spend hunting them down.

I've included those few links that I found here again here in this post:

Teaching US History Through Terrific Picture Books
World History Reading List
Children's Picture Books from Australia
Australian Living Books
Australian History Books
Children's Book List from Are So Happy
Picture This - Using Books To Introduce Or Teach Skills

However I'd dearly love more and I know that there has got to be so many more ideas and lists out there. So I thought there's no better way to share with everyone than using a Linky Tools List.

If you teach with Books, Picture Books, Living Books and/or have gathered lists of great books please share them with us here.

A couple of points on adding your link:

  • Please be sure to link back to this post on your blog so others can benefit from all of the sharing.
  • In your Linky Title please include the theme or the subject that you are linking to so it is easy for others to find what they are looking for.
  • The post you link up here must either be a list of book titles relating to a theme or subject or details of your actual work done teaching with a book or books. Or in the event that your entire blog or website is all about teaching with books then of course the home page is fine.
Thanks for linking up and for sharing.


  1. Okay, I have a bunch of geography ones I can share, it's a list of what we used to study each state from our library and the activities we did, would that work?

  2. Kylie - I have multiple history ones. Should I link them separately or link to a search list?

  3. I have used some very good books about the Pilgrims at Thanksgiving time with younger children. Look up- Sarah Morton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Child, Samuel Eaton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Boy and Tapenum's Day: A Wampanoag Boys' Day in Pilgrim Times.
    Love your blog! very creative and varied!
    Susan Maguire at

  4. Found you via Silly Eagle Books and am really pleased I did! We're all about books at Playing by the book and it's great to find some kindred spirits!

  5. You might find my blog helpful. (I hope. At least that is it's purpose.) It is Reading, Writing, and Recipes. Each week's blog posts revolve around a different theme. Reading Monday gives brief reviews of 3 or more picture books/easy readers. I try to include at least one non-fiction book. Recipe Wednesday has an kid-friendly recipe. To Think About Thursday asks kids to think of ways to vary the recipe although I sometimes come up with something different such as a math problem. 8-) Writing Friday offers a writing prompt which can be an oral prompt for the younger ones. Frequently I add Extra! Extra! which have been links to crafts ideas, colring pages,supplemental materials, virtual tours, and author/illustrator interivews.

    I am a dietitian and children's author. The blog is my passion and way to give back to the world.


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