It is a busy one, right now and at times even quite frantic, but it is also a season that is brimming with co-operative learning, building relationships and setting wonderful foundations for the future.
Monday's we spend a quiet few hours in the morning at home, ensuring we are ready for our upcoming week. At the moment I am needing to spend quite a bit of my weekend in teacher planning mode and whilst I always need a break at the end of each term, I do really enjoy planning lessons, activities and excursions.
This includes an hour or so with our regular morning basket/table time routine, whilst it changes with the seasons the essence of it always remains the same. A space to come together, read, chat, draw, paint and connect.
From there everyone moves off for a couple of hours of individual work. I begin with the youngest child with some one on one time and then move to each of the children spending time with them on their current work.
Our afternoons right now are spent with a few other local families for piano and art lessons.
We've cut back this year on our after school extra curricular activities so that means Monday evenings are nice and quiet.
Tuesday's is our small family co-op days. These are such a blessing to our family and have been growing with importance and work covered consistently. We have a great team of parents that all work together very well to provide this 'micro-schooling experience' for our children.
Co-op days see us working through roughly 80 - 90% of any subject area that isn't under the umbrella of the three R's, although we cover a little of those at times too!
Currently our Tuesday's look a little like this - For the Primary Aged group, Geography Activities (mapping etc), Around The World Cultural travels, A Literature Unit, Australian History. For the High School aged group, Geography, Mind Mapping Activities, Creative Writing, Australian History.
Tuesday evenings are free also from after school activities.
Wednesday's we are back to a quiet morning, which generally flow in a similar manner to Monday mornings.
We then grab a quick bite to eat and head out the door to our local Community Gardens, where we have been meeting with homeschool families.
Wednesday evenings see my eldest off to his local Drama class. This term he has also enrolled in the musical so he has a double lesson on a Wednesday night. My middle child is also participating in the Musical so she attends that component of the lessons.
Thursday's is co-op day again. Topics/subjects currently on a Thursday are - For the Primary Aged group, Chemistry, Games Hour, Nature Study & Art Techniques. For the High School Aged group, Chemistry, Creative Writing, Nature Journals, Art Techniques
Thursday evenings are a tad chaotic for me as I spend a large portion of my night driving kids here there and everywhere! My youngest has his Drama class up first, then my middle child has hers and in between that I need to get my eldest off to his Emergency Service Cadets program and of course pick them all up when they are done. Thursday nights are fun I tell you!!!!
Friday's phew, did you make it? Do you need a nap like I do come Friday? The morning's are slow and easy. We always start our morning basket gathering very late on a Friday, we all need some of that downtime.
Those mornings, once we do get started are simply another Monday morning routine, with a few hours in the afternoon to do whatever we wish. On quiet days at home and especially now that the weather has finally cooled we try to get out for a stroll and a bike ride.
Friday afternoon's all three of them are enjoying Gymnastics. Whilst they are in class I often head off to do a spot of grocery shopping.
That there is pretty much our current week in a nutshell. Yes it's busy, but we love it and it so full of amazing opportunities and in a few short weeks the majority of the busyness will die down to next to nothing and we will have weeks at a time to spend leisurely at home. It's all about seasons and their ebb and flow, we very simply embrace the one in which we are currently in.
Thanks for joining us for a peek inside our week. I do share more behind the scene snaps over at Instagram, see you there!
Happy Homeschooling,
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