Initially I was somewhat dubious about this program, we've done our fair share of "kids fun sports" and none of them have been overly brilliant.
This time however, things were different, I guess the fact that both B and K are considerably older now, probably had a part to play. But this experience has been fabulous for them.
So much so in fact that we begged to organise another block in Term 3.
The coach is amazing with the children, firm, but fun. Just what a group of rambunctious children need!
The fun was so varied, with each week being different to the one prior.
They experienced many traditional games, like Tug o War, Tunnel Ball and Sack Races.
This gigantic ball had everyone giggling with delight.
How on earth are we going to hold that up, is what's surely going through their heads.
Oh well, let's just roll it all over our bodies then, for full sensory experience.
These four person walking planks were definitely an experience, to say the least. Most of the children need lots more practice at this one, walking together, working as a team and taking directions. But still they enjoyed it and always had smiles on their faces. A great way to really get to know your peers.
What about a spot of Egg Throwing and Catching. After they were shown the correct technique for
safely catching a raw egg, they were set to it. Starting fairly close to each other at first,
safely catching a raw egg, they were set to it. Starting fairly close to each other at first,
With each correctly caught egg, in otherwords, an egg still intact,
the opponents took a few steps apart and tried again.
Oh well I guess you couldn't keep throwing it forever!
They really are laughing here, don't be too concerned.
Balancing batons or twirling sticks took a great deal more
concentration than one would think.
There was so much going on each week, I certainly didn't cover everything with my snapshots. We are all excited to be returning to Funworks fun in a few weeks time.

Looks like a great time!
Love the "sensory fun" with the big ball!
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