Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our New Look

I'd like to take a moment to thank Jolanthe over at Relevant Designs for my gorgeous, fun and cheeky new blog look. I hope you like it as much as I do? I still have links to get up in the navbar and things to move around in the sidebar a little.

Most of you probably know of Jolanthe's Home School Blog - Homeschool Creations - she is now also doing blog make overs, great blog makeovers at fabulous prices!

If you'd love a new blog look and don't have the time to do it yourself or the expertise to do it then jump on over to Relevant Designs.

I just had a quick look and there are already a few other bloggers waiting in her queue so you had better hurry.

Thanks Jolanthe, I so appreciate the work you have done.


  1. Oh it's excellent! Love the 3 little monkeys lol how appropriate :D

  2. Kylie,
    Love your new look--congrats! Clean, like the colors, easy to read!

  3. I so need to email her to do it for me.

  4. Thanks for working with me, Kylie! :)


  5. Hi Kylie,
    I'm following you from friday follow. And I signed up for your homeschool blog hop.
    Have a blessed weekend


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