Friday, June 4, 2010

Homeschool Sharing Blog Hop - My Favourite Subject

Ok finally getting around to the hop!

Where have I been? I've been frightfully busy this past week or so. I organise quite a large homeschooling network and this was the week to get out our class regsitration details for next it is always a bit of a full on week when I need to do that.

Art, definitely Art (and crafts of course)

Whether its toddler arty crafty activities,

Or Preschool Mixed Media Collages!

I love that you can incorporate some kind of art/craft activity into area of study, having that creative outlet really allows for solid learning to take place. Not forgetting that it is just plain down right fun, there's rarely a sour face when you pull out art and craft supplies!

I could probably share heaps more images with you but I have a toddler on my lap wanting his mummy so I won't.

I just wanted to add that I particularly love watching the artistic skills (especially drawing) of the children grow, it's an amazing transformation to witness and one I am so blessed to be able to be a part of. I am so grateful for our decision to homeschool as I truly believe that this would be one area that would be seriously lacking if we went to school, simply based on available time to spend drawing, crafting and creating. We spend alot of time on arty, crafty endeavours.


  1. LOVE that plant parts craft :) Very cute! We do a lot of crafty bits woven through our history & science as well... it keeps them interested and gives fidgety hands something creative to do :D

  2. I love this post, Kylie! You are a woman after my own heart. Crafts and art are a great way to get real hands-on learning about anything! I really need to get my act together and write some posts up for your blog hops.

  3. I am following you from Friday Blog hop. I may join this blog hop too - fun - I enjoy blogging about homeschool stuff.

    Amy @

  4. Thank you so much for stopping by and joining in the blog hop!! I look forward to reading more of your blog!


  5. Happy Friday! You've got a really great blog here!

    I'm your newest follower! If you get a chance, please follow me too at:

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Great art projects! I may have to borrow your ideas. ;0) We love arts and crafts, too.

    Your new blog design is cute, too!


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