Friday, May 28, 2010

Gratitude Journal - Cooking Up A Storm

This week I am grateful:

  • This baby! It rocks! My new Thermomix, to be honest I am a little scared to really get in and get cooking (I'm not much of a cook) but it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for me.

Since Sunday I have made Sorbet, Butter, Vanilla Custard, Rice Pudding, Mashed Potato, Pumpkin Soup, Almond Biscuits, Chocolate Custard, Sheperds Pie and Hazelnut Choc Spread (aka Nutella)...with barely any effort at all.

  • My new butcher, free range, pasture fed, preservative free and home delivered, who wouldn't love that.
  • A quiet couple of hours when I need it most. The times the kids know that mum needs some 'space' they quietly play or entertain themselves so that mum can revive and refresh. Thank you my little guys. :)


  1. Wow, you took the plunge and got the Thermomix... I'd be interested in hearing in about a year's time if it's still as useful (and as used) as it is now!

  2. Hi Kylie! I have a little award for you. Please, visit my blog:

    PS Your new blog look is great :-)

  3. No way, Thank you for all your resources. Lol. Awesome and very helpful. ;) Thanks for dropping. God Bless! :) [not sure if post went thru or not, I lost it. Lol, Sorry!


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