Thursday, August 5, 2010

I've Cut Off My Right Arm!!

Say what?

I've cut off a part of me!

I'm fairly certain that most of you would agree with me that your computer is part of you. There's so much of your life, your world on that little contraption we call a computer.

So much so, that when you come home from a lovely morning at the park only to find that it has all but died on you, all you are left to do is cry!

You would think that since I have a perfectly good (and relatively new) computer sitting right across from me and my trusty iPad that it wouldn't be such a big deal. But it is I tell you, it really is.........that is MY COMPUTER that is sitting there staring at me, lifeless.....

I knew it was coming, I saw the signs. This happened roughly six months ago (it was repaired) and I have been getting weird errors on start up for about a week. All I can do now is pray that the computer technician can salvage everything for me.

Whilst I'm still grieving I've come to terms with the fact that I need to move on and find myself a new partner in crime when it comes to things computerish so whilst my baby is away at the doctors (hopefully being repaired and not buried) I will move this computer into it's place and try to find some common ground with it.

It's hard letting go of old friends and making new but I am sure if I spend some time building this new relationship in a few months I will barely miss the old friend, although it will always be there in my memories.

My poor old computer, you have served me well my friend.


  1. I know the feeling. That is so not fun!

  2. I do know the feeling. My old and trusty computer died on me a few years back and although I now have an acceptable replacement, it's not the same. I miss my old computer with it's bigger screen and keyboard. My new computer may be faster and more capable, but my other computer was where everything started....! :)


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