Monday, August 9, 2010

Books 4 Big Kids: Captain Underpants

Ok I have now really let go of my 'reading twaddle' phobia here. I have been so anti these types of books for so long that I wonder at times if those thoughts have contributed to 'late reading' with B.

I guess I could wonder about this for years and I don't think it really matters any longer, he's reading, still not as confidently as he could be but that will come with time and reading.

He has devoured the first four Captain Underpants Books and is asking for more.....did you just read that? He came to me and asked me to buy him more of these to read!!! Yay, doing backflips here, well pretending to be doing them anyway ;-)

Being the sneaky mum that I am (things you gotta do) I have suggested that he work his way through his book basket some more and then we can go order another lot of Captain Underpants.

His book basket is next to his bed and is filled with books that I have picked up here and there. They cover a wide range of topics and interests and a wide reading ability, some are super easy and others are a little above his level. I always have my eye out at book stores, online and charity book sales for books to grab to put into his book basket.

The book basket is used purely in his own time. There is no reporting and no discussing of the books required, unless of course he wants to and we do often talk about them, but I digress.

Lots of giggles from the Captain Underpants books and lots of sillyness and very silly words so granted they may not be for everyone. I mean one of the characters is called Professor Poopypants so you get my drift.

I have however heard him laughing and giggling out loud at these very silly stories. He has enjoyed them so much that he has spent the past two weeks drawing the characters.

Yup, all hand drawn and then coloured with felt tip pens.

There has been some conversation about what will be done with these, possibilities like, laminating them and turning them into puppets (on a stick), photocopying them and writing his own stories with the characters are some of things he has tossed around.

In the end he may just be happy to leave them as they are and that is totally fine too.

So whilst these books aren't high on the 'quality literature ladder' they have sure given B a boost, if you have a reluctant reader, give them a go, you might just be surprised.

I have not been compensated in any way for this review. These are simply products that we have enjoyed that I wanted to let others know about.


  1. Sometimes I think it is okay to enjoy a little twaddle here and there.:-) I think of it like healthy eating. I can have ice cream every once in a while if I am eating a healthy diet. It's all about balance. :-)

  2. Gosh, sorry, I see you are from Australia. You will of course know about Paul Jennings.

  3. I feel the same about some of the ones Billy reads - but he certainly enjoys them!

  4. Hi Kylie,
    Thanks for the review and book suggestion. My son is still working on becoming a more fluent reader. At his age of 8 "potty talk" is a common theme in conversations. Of course, I correct him to discuss other topics, but maybe these books will help read more. Can I get them through Amazon? Thanks,

  5. Yes Leah and I need to remind myself that I always don't read great literature.

    Hi Shar, we sure do and have some of his stuff here.

    Hey Kez, at the end of the day it is about balance isn't it.

    Tracy, I'm not sure I would assume so. I got mine from Book Depository - Free Worldwide Shipping - check them out

  6. I tend to think that reading is reading is reading at 8, and am happy to see ANY kind of printed work flying through my boys' hands, lol. Anything they read is well-tempered with literature as well, so they're not missing out. We've not gotten into Captain Underpants yet, but I will be sure and suggest them to my kids! Great post, Kylie!! :)


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