Sunday, August 15, 2010

How Do you Spend Your Time Online

Theme: How Do You Spend Your Time Online?

Since you are participating in this blog hop you obviously blog and spend some time online reading other blogs and homeschooling/education websites. Not to mention the time that you spend on your blog, writing posts and the like.

How do you do it? How do you work in your hobby of blogging, your leisure time of reading blogs, homeschooling and everything else involved with running a household.

Are you a wing it kind of gal and just grab time whenever you can on the computer? Or do you have a plan? Do you schedule all of your posts in large chunks or blog daily? Do you visit your favourite blogs/websites whenever you get a chance or do you set aside a couple of hours on a friday night for blog reading?

Walk us through and share with us how you organise (or lack thereof) your time online, maybe we can learn a thing or two from sharing :)

Blog Hop Participation Rules

STOP: Please DO NOT add your link below unless you have a post published about the blog hop and the current theme, and the McLinky code showing in that post.

Please ensure you have linked directly to your blog hop post and that the title includes the words 'blog hop' somewhere. All links added are checked via McLinky and those without these details are removed immediately. I am sory but I don't have time to contact everyone personally about this.

We are all enjoying this immensely, please play fairly as the majority of blog hoppers do! Thanks for participating, have fun!


  1. I've written my response 3 times - a novel each time. :) It keeps routing back to how do we spend our days, or justifying the time spent on line. :) I think it is too early - 5:30 - pre coffee. :) I'll write a cute short and sweet post after a bit. Fun to separate what we do on line with how we run the household. :)

  2. Hi Kylie! I wish I had a set schedule of when I blog, blog hop, look for ideas on blogs...I will be starting my homeschool year tomorrow (Aug. 16) so I really have to get a schedule down for blogging. I hope to get lots of ideas from here. I usually post Wordless Wednesday pictures and try to post for my "(Organizational) System Saturday" weekly and then I post in between when I have an idea that I think is worth posting and sharing with readers. Thanks for this blog hop and hoping to learn from other more experienced bloggers:)
    Tracy at A Slice of Smith Life

  3. Pebble Keeper I just read your response and I liked it. You seem to have a nice flow to your days.

    Tracy, that is one of the reasons I chose this topic. Hoping those that are more organised with this can possibly help others. Oh I am sorry I had to remove your link as it wasn't going to a post about this topic. Feel free to get one up though and add your link back in :)

  4. Ooohhhh, that might be too convicting. I'll try to get a post written though. Might not be this week. My posts for this week are already written, mostly.

  5. OOPS Kylie- I guess I don't know everything there is to know about linking and blog hopping. Sorry! I don't know if I'll find time to do all the steps correctly, but I'll try!

  6. Great topic! I look forward to reading the posts by all the participants.


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