Friday, August 13, 2010

GLIMPSE: New Global Homeschooling Mag


Global Learners In Many Places Sharing Experiences

I recently found the link to this new homeschooling newsletter (although more like a magazine) here.

And the best part is that it is the brain child of an Aussie Home Schooling family!!!

From their website: "  GLIMPSE is a monthly secular publication for homeschoolers, home educators and people with a love of learnig from a home base. It is free and I think well worth a read. Hope you enjoy it!"

Go grab yourself a copy and a cuppa and enjoy getting to know some homeschooling families from all over the world.

The magazine also includes topics like:

Book Reviews
Free Resources
Ask A Fellow Learner
Competitions & Giveaways
The Cooking Corner
Projects For Learning
And More

Grab a copy here.

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