Tuesday, July 20, 2010

K Turns 6!!

My baby girl turned 6 nearly a fortnight ago and I am only just getting around to sharing some photo's. You really have to have a quick look at a couple of her 5th Birthday photo's and wow has she grown up or what! She really is blossoming, and this past year has seen her mature so much. Our relationship is growing in leaps and bounds, as her maturity levels grows with her. She is so funny and makes us laugh every day. Even though she's 6 she still very much loves lots of kisses and cuddles from mum and dad.

Happy 6th Birthday Our Beautiful Girl!

We can pretty much brush all of her curls out now, although just add some water and finger scrunching and we can still find them again too.

This dress is from Spain. Her grandparents took a trip there recently and arrived home only a few weeks before K's Birthday. She decided that she wouldn't wear the dress (except for a few try on's here and there) until her birthday.

Now that's when you know they are growing up, when they can resist something so adorable and love so much, see it hanging in their wardrobe daily for over 2 weeks and not pull it out and wear it.

Since last year all of the kiddo's had big full on birthday's this year we decided to keep them small and more casual.

Grandma did up a great treasure hunt that finished with a pass the parcel, thanks Grandma!

We had a spot of crafting for those that wanted to participate.

They made tissue paper covered, recycled milk jug baskets, with pony beads on a pipe cleaner for the handle. Thanks Pink and Green Mamma for the inspiration.

Of course it wouldn't be a birthday without some yummy cake, delightful friends and some gifts to enjoy.

A nice quiet but enjoyable morning.....I just can't believe she's SIX!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday K! A big 6 years old! Love the dress - it's gorgeous.


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