Monday, July 19, 2010

Favourite Family Board Games

Favourite Family Board Games

Time to share some more family fun, with your favourite games. Cherised oldies that have been played over and over again or even some new finds, it really doesn't matter, as long as your family loves them.

Share some of these games with us and the reasons why they are favourites for your family.


Coming Theme: Advice For A New Homeschooler


Blog Hop Participation Rules

STOP: Please DO NOT add your link below unless you have a post published about the blog hop and the current theme, and the McLinky code showing in that post.

Please ensure you have linked directly to your blog hop post and that the title includes the words 'blog hop' somewhere. All links added are checked via McLinky and those without these details are removed immediately.

We are all enjoying this immensely, please play fairly as the majority of blog hoppers do! Thanks for participating, have fun!


  1. I don't have my post about games posted'll be up later this week. But, our current favorite is Bananagrams. Great for helping kids learn to spell and for creativity too!

  2. Hey Jennifer I reallymust invest in that game. I have seen so manygood reviews on it.

  3. Hi Kylie, what a great idea for a topic for Homeschool Blog Hop. I have found or been reminded of some games I would really like to have. Never heard of Bananagrams, need to look into that one.
    Just wanted to let you know, that I finally figured out how to copy the code. I found out when I was on the linky site starting my Words of Wisdom meme. They have the instructions for Google Chrome users (click in box, Ctrl A, Ctrl C). Wish they would add the instructions to the page where we go for adding the code for the blog hop)

  4. Hi! I had McLinky open for two sites, and accidentally posted Art Box Gift on this blog hop. I wasn't able to remove it. My sincere apologies!!!!!


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