Saturday, March 6, 2010

St Patrick's Day: Learning Fun

Well as you all know we made a start on our St Patrick's Day fun this week. We are still waiting on our books to arrive, fingers crossed they will be here early next week.

We have had several 'general overview' discussions about St Patrick's Day, but won't start our Notebooking/Lapbooking until next week.

We located Ireland and quickly realised that it was very close to where Great Grandma Hilda lives (in England), very exciting. We can't wait to get over there and visit her.

B drew his own map of the region (this was his own idea). Plus I also printed a Blackline Map so they could colour Ireland.
We did read the one book we have, The St Patrick's Day Shillelagh, this story is a wonderful way to show children how stories of our past are passed on through the generations.

We also played memory. I'm glad I did this on cardstock, it makes it so much more durable than just plain laminating alone.

We've begun decorating our room with all things 'green' and made some paper chains for the wall.

We've had a super rainy week here so not much time got spent outdoors. I printed off a few colouring pages and a maze that I laminated so it can be used again and again.

Our St Patrick's Day wall, as it looks right now. We'll keep adding to it as go.

If you are having some St Patrick's Day fun please put a link in your comment so I can stop by and have a look. :)


  1. Love, Love, LOVE your St. Patrick's Day wall. Great way to display their work. I wanted to tell you also that I have enjoyed following your Homeschool hop. We have decided to homeschool the boys next year and I love reading all of the posts. Thanks!

  2. Thanks Adriana. That wall is earmarked to have shelving on it but I am hoping that I can work around it. I love having a space we can hang work and decorate too. If I fill our entire room with shelving where will we hang all of our bits and pieces!!!!!


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