Monday, March 15, 2010

The Home School Hop #6

Theme For The Week: 10 Random Questions

Time for a bit of fun this week. Just copy the 10 questions below and enter your answers after each one of them for this week's blog hop.

I can't wait to see all of your answers.

1. What time is it right now?

2. What are you wearing?

3. What is your mood?

4. What is one thing your children learned today?

5. What did you (or are having) for dinner?

6. What's one book you are currently reading?

7. What behaviour (in people) is the most common but also the rudest?

8. What can you see out of your nearest window right now?

9. What are you currently praying for?

10. What is your favourite hot beverage?

STOP: Please DO NOT add your link below unless you have a post published about the blog hop and the current theme, and the McLinky code showing in that post. All links added that do not play fairly are removed.

Blog Hop Details: Find more details about the Blog Hop here.

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Psst... no fair, where's YOURS! ;)

  2. Hi Kylie!
    Thanks so much for hosting this! It's been so much fun to meet other Homeschooling moms, and I really appreciate the work that must go into it!
    I was wondering if you could include your blog url in the McLinky, so people who come to my site could see it there (I do put a link to it, but maybe others don't, or maybe people would click on it more readily in McLinky.) Also, I really appreciate your emphasis on integrity--having a post already up, before you link--other blog hops don't do that--I think I'll encourage them to, though:) Thanks, again! Have a great day!

  3. This is a neat hop, I look forward to doing it again next week!

    Blessings on your coming week.


  4. I am getting there with mine, just didn't have the time or energy when I did the Blog Hop Post. Plus I have been thinking about what Wendy has said and that maybe I should do my Blog Hop Posts seperately so that they are in the McLinky if you know what I mean.

    Wendy, it is somewhat frustrating and I do try to visit the blogs and let them know as I know it can be a little confusing the first time. But when you get blogs that are just there simply to push themselves (or spamming) then that is just plain rude...that might have to be my response for the rude behaviour point hehehe

    Thanks for joining in ladies, I really wasn't sure if this would be something that you would all be interested in. :)


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