Sunday, February 12, 2012

NBTS Blog Hop - Our Plans For The Year

This year we've decided to focus on our own Country as much as possible.

So what does that mean for our curriculum plans?

We will still complete our Language Arts and Maths work as per usual. All of our other 'subjects' will be covered via an all Australian focus.

We kicked off our year celebrating Australia Day with a mini printable unit that gave a quick overview of the meaning behind Australia Day.

There is so much we could cover that at times it was hard to know where to even start, history seemed like a good place to anchor everything else to.
Finding a great Australian History spine isn't the easiest, we simply don't have a huge selection to choose from.

I've chosen to use Our Sunburnt Country, which can be purchased from Homeschooling Down Under.

As we read each chapter we will stay awhile, take up any interests, follow any rabbit trails and simply see where things take us. My hope is that the children will direct much of the learning that takes place around this great country of ours.

I have also purchased The Wonderland of Nature and have been fortunate enough to pick up some fabulous Australian nature stories from past Lifeline Bookfests, that will help us along our way.

Where suitable I will put together printable activities and of course will share them all with you. I know how far and few between free Australian resources are!

Ok, so what about the basics?

Lego Lover - 10 years old

Language Arts

  •            Drawn Into The Heart Of Reading Program
  • ·         Book Reports for Australian Unit Study
  • ·         Daily Independent & Read Aloud
  •           Copywork

  • ·         All About Spelling

  • ·         Institute of Excellence in Writing Program
  • ·         Daily Journal
  • ·         Copywork
  • ·         Use of Writing Centre  – Poetry, Letters, Notes, Cards, Scrapbooking

  • ·         Grammar Once A Week (still undecided on a formal Grammar Program, so for now this is it)

  • ·         Mathletics Online
  • ·         Math U See 
  • ·         Maths Online
  • ·         Qld Targeting Maths
  • ·         Times Attack Online Game
  • ·         Other games where appropriate
Mavis Beacon Typing is a new addition for the year.

The Arts

  • Private Art Classes
  • Musical Theatre
  • Dance Tuition
  • Ukulele
  • Keyboarding with Grandad

    Fairy Princess - 7 years old

    Language Arts

    • ·         Explode The Code
    • ·         Montessori Pink/Blue Series Works
    • ·         Fitzroy Reading Program
     Sight Words:
    • ·         On Track Reading Sight Word Program and Readers

    • ·         Copywork

    • ·         All About Spelling 

    • ·         Use of Writing Centre  – Poetry, Letters, Notes, Cards, Scrapbooking
    • ·         Copywork
    • ·         Daily Journal

    • ·         As part of Fitzroy Reading Program

    • ·         Maths Online Subscription
    • ·         Math U See
    • ·         Qld Targeting Maths
    • ·         Montessori Math Activities
    • ·         Math Games
    • ·         Australian Money
    Mavis Beacon Typing is a new addition for the year

    The Arts
    • Private Art Classes
    • Musical Theatre
    • Dance Tuition
    • Ukulele

      Little Surfer Dude - 3 years old

      His Montessori inspired shelves are being brought back to life!

      I have also been planing some Picture Book Units that we can all do together, on our Australian theme.

      He is participating in our Home school network Junior Sports Program and loving it.

      Plus the myriad of things that the average 3 year old gets up to on a daily basis.

      The children also attend regular Extra Curricular days with our registered school, which they love immensely and get a great deal out of. All subject areas are covered during these days with a strong emphasis on the Performing Arts.


      What about you? What are your plans for the year? Join us in the all Aussie Not Back To School Blog Hop and share your stories. Grab the button and spread the word.

      Our Worldwide Classroom

      A big thank you to those of you that linked up last week, it was lovely meet all of your children.

      Add your plans for the year to the list below.


        1. My Place Series 2 - the Australian history show - starts back on ABC TV this week (during the school show slot). Its on our list to watch - we've just finished watching Series 1.

        2. LOL apparently apostrophe's aren't allowed in titles! So just imagine one there please ;)

        3. I can't wait to see what you all do!! Forever a wanna be Aussie:) with my oldest right above me on that wish list!

        4. We are currently in Ancient Greece - and the only Australian history we have covered so far being Aboriginal history of migration out of Africa 50-60,000 years ago! so have a ways to catch up to modern Australian history.
          Be interested to read what you recommend as you go : )

        5. I look forward to following your Australian year. Thanks again for hosting :)

        6. Thanks for sharing your plans. I always love these kinds of posts! It sounds like you have a great year planned with the Australian history. Can't wait to see how it unfolds for you. ~Liesl

        7. Hey another AAS fan:) and an IEW fan too:) Oh I miss our Montessori days, just can't juggle it all any longer.

        8. I happened across your blog ..... As a teacher I am wrapped to hear about children learning about Australia. Last year I did relief in a year 6 classroom and we had a quizz and couldn't believe the lack of knowledge about capital cities in our own country.


        Make my day, leave a lovely comment :-)