Thursday, December 1, 2011

Robelle Domain Springfield Parklands

~ Exploring Qld Parks & Playgrounds ~

We recently had the opportunity to visit the much talked about Robelle Domain Parklands area over at Springfield. This has been on the list to do since the grand opening earlier this year. It is definitely a must visit park for those living within reasonable driving distance to the area.

A largish water play area was the perfect spot on the day we visited, with temps climbing the children ran to cool off at every opportunity. The water areas' main feature is the dump bucket. The large bucket overhead fills until it can fill no more and consequently all the water that is held within must be released.

Dumping huge splashes of water over unsuspecting, well actually, eagerly awaiting, children below. Around the perimeter of the dump bucket are a handful of water spouts, that randomly spray water from the ground.

Across to one side is a small, ankle deep, wet area, designed for the younger children to play in. Small scramble mounds also spray water, but not quite as ferociously as over near the dump bucket area.

This is a very well planned parklands area. Bordering the edge of the play area is a large oval, that also features an ampitheatre, which will be used for community events. A great spot to kick a ball around or have a hit of cricket.

Whilst the parklands are an easy walk to the nearby Orion Shopping Centre, they have chosen to include a Cafe on site. If you're a coffee loving mamma, then you'll agree that this is a fabulous addition. If you have kids that nag at you for snacks all day, then you may be at the other end of the spectrum ;-)

Right near the water play area is the play equipment area. The FIRST of its' kind in Australia. The Icon on Galaxy equipment combines play with electronic gaming. Fun fun fun!

This slide was a first for all us, we've never witnessed anything and in the end Fairy Princess chose not to tackle it.

Another piece of the equipment. Whilst perfect for the older childer this portion of the playground can be used by younger children. Some may need adult supervision and assistance on the equipment though.

Signage is dotted through the play area to guide the 'players' in getting the most out of the equipment.

This piece of the equipment spins 360 degrees. Fairy Princess loved it and used it many times. After a few revolutions she realised however that it was far easier to stand on the inside and spin.

The perimeter of the parklands houses walking paths, boardwalks and a lake area. Currently shade is an issue. Whilst there are a large number of trees planted they will obviously take a considerable amount of time to produce  the shade required for a picnic under a tree.

I would recommend taking your own shade where possible.

Onsite bathroom facilities, make this an easy place to settle down with the kids for a few hours.

Yet another fabulous community addition to the greater Ipswich area.

For more information on Robelle Domain see the Greater Springfield website.


  1. Wow! This park looks awesome! Ipswich Council has done some brilliant things for the area - almost makes me want to live there! Ez has already checked out your pictures and planned our trip to the park... Shade is often a deal breaker for me though, considering our whole family is fair skinned with blonde hair... need to get one of those shade thingys I think!

  2. Yeah Kristy, we were only there two hours and had sunscreen liberally applied. Thankfully no one was burned though. :-)


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