Monday, August 15, 2011

A Week In Pictures

Bedtime Stories, lots of them!

Grandma's Garage Kindy = Cousin Fun

Spanish Lesson

Martial Arts Class

For everyone

Finishing off Triorama's

Working on perspective sketches

Drama fun

Games with friends - Shopping List 

Life Be In Fun Works, as always a huge variety of group based, co operative, sporty, fun activities.

Stilt walking

Tricky but fun

Off to Jazz class

And passing on some new moves

A spot of word work

Lots of time in the sunshine

Tending to the garden and admiring the recent blooms. 
Feeling very proud because she grew these herself.

Early morning bike rides, to warm us on the inside as
well as the outside.

Loving learning to ride

Spelling games, Mathletics & Reading Eggs

Race car tracks in the mud

Spending time with friends before they ventured off on their road trip exploring inland Australia. 
Giving the voices a workout.

Shape Puzzles and a spot of fishing

Training to be a bank teller ;-)

Beginning our adventure into Outer Space

I must admit my interest waned towards the of the week so the last couple of days didn't get a great deal of photo's. 

I also just realised that I did not take one photo of any of our big kid reading this week, this is always a daily occurrence and more than once a day. During the week we experienced Audio stories such as Corduroy, The Enchanted Wood, Graphic Novels from Star Wars, books on Egypt, both fiction and non, fairy tales, random picture books from the shelf and books to help us venture into space. 

There is also not really any photo's of seated school work. Rest assured, we did do some, I was just too busy during those times to worry about the camera.

I trust your week was as blessed as ours.

It really is wonderful to be a homeschooler.


  1. WOW! Week full of interesting activities :-)

  2. Love all of it!! Looks like a wonderful fun filled week! Tell daughter that her flowers look wonderful!! She totally has a green thumb! XOXO

  3. Looks like a very busy & fun week had by all! Miss those beautiful little faces. Much Love x

  4. What a fantastic week filled with fantastic moments! Glad you captured a few to share with us :-)


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