Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Art Class: Still Life Flowers and Fruit

Art Class has had a bit of a still life theme happening over the past couple of weeks.

K's Vase of Flowers

B's Vase of Flowers

K's Fruit Bowl


  1. Your art class looks so much like fun!

  2. Beautiful art work!
    Just wanted you to know the Sensory tub button isn't working. I thought when i put it on my blog page it was my blog acting up but I recently saw the button on another blog and it wasn't working there either. Just wanted you to know:)
    ~Jada Roo Can Do

  3. we are doing a "virtual vacation" global tour this summer (we're in Southwest Florida, USA) I am so glad to find you - there are some great resources here for my Australia curriculum! would you be interested in exchanging simple "vacation packages"? the kids will pretend they are travel agents and gather information on the area/ and general country info & ship it off/ exchange. we live in an island community on the gulf coast of florida- lots of fun information - please let me know if you want to play- we will eventually link up all the participants so you will be able to exchange with whomever you want!


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