Saturday, April 30, 2011

Space Arty Crafty Party

This week it's time to share all of your fun hands on Space themed activites, arts and crafts. Have you been studying astronauts or constructing 3D solar systems? Then please link them up below.

Please don't forget to familiarise yourself with the link up guidelines and go grab a button to share on your blog.

Also, a quick reminder that past link ups can be found here. I try to keep all the link ups open so you can come back and add your appropriate themed activities at any time.



  1. Hi Kylie, I can't link up atm but how do I add your button to my blog?

  2. Hi! Thanks for stopping by Canadian Home Learning. I have decided to stop Book Sharing Monday, but I hope you will still share your books on your blog. I wrote a post in my "pages" at the top of my blog about it:
    Take care. Alex.

  3. Hi again, no I meant how do I add YOUR (ourworldwideclassroom) button to my blog? :) Where do I put your button link?

  4. So excited about this, Kylie! We just finished a small moon unit, so I'll definitely link up. Thanks for hosting!


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