Monday, September 27, 2010

Art Class: Painted Toilet Paper Trees

Yes that's right, Toilet Paper Painted Trees!

Don't these just look absolutely fabulous. The kids completed these as part of our Home School Networks Art Class and the best part about them is that most children can successfully do this art activity.

These were completed over a period of two weeks. The first week they painted their background area, keeping in mind that they would be building a tree on top of the painting. K chose an afternoon sunset and B decided to do a night sky.

Once the paint was dry they used some pva on a brush (or their finger) and drew a tree shape (trunk and branches) with the pva. This would make the adhering of the toilet paper easier.

Then they dipped a few wads of toilet paper into watered down pva, kind of like paper mache but with toilet paper, and proceeded to build their trees on top of the now dry pva painted tree.

These were left for a week to ensure that the toilet paper was thoroughly dry. The following week they painted the trunk and branches, added tissue paper amd/or cellophane leaves and used oil pastels to finish off the background image.

Three classes in total completed these and to see them altogether was fantastic, it definitely inspired us to consider an art show for the kids, that's for sure.

This simeple, but very effective idea really lends itself to many varied options. Just imagine the textured creations you and your children could come up with!

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  1. These are adorable! My two year old loves painting although her work would never look that good!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Very interesting....... I'd probably have to think through that a bit more and we might try that sometime soon.

  3. I really enjoy seeing kids make art projects out of paper. Just bumped into your blog and saw your project. Great job!

  4. What is pva? The picture came out fantastic. I would like to try this.

  5. PVA is white glue that most people use for crafts with children....I'm not certain for sure but I think it is your Elmer's?

  6. Wow Dan, just had a quick look at your site, fabulous stuff!!!

  7. Gorgeous! I was also wondering what PVA is, but you already answered this question.


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