Sunday, August 1, 2010

Making New Friends

I thought we'd try something a little different this week for the Home School Hop.

We're gonna make some new friends.

Wanna join in?

Follow these steps:

1/. Write a quick post about this Making Friends Home School Hop and add in the linky code (at the bottom of this post) to your post.

2/. Add your blog post into the Link List below

3/. Choose TWO BLOGS from the list (if you are early to link up you may need to come back). Try to choose blogs that you have either not visited before, haven't visited in a while or don't often get the time to visit......the idea is to make some NEW friends.

3/. Comment on their Making Friends Home School Hop Post, letting them know that you are visiting from the Making Friends Home School Hop.

4/. Don't forget to follow them if you enjoyed their blog.

5/. Come back here and comment on this post, letting us know which TWO BLOGS you visited and what you liked about them.

6/. Double check that you have followed all of the steps.

7/. Have fun!


  1. thank you for hosting this. I can not wait to get to know other homeschool families

  2. Hi there!
    I am now following you, Missional mommy, Women Living Well and Troop Petrie! Have a wonderful day:)

  3. Hi Kylie! I'm already a follower, but wanted to say hanks for letting me know about the Homeschool Hop. I'm in and I'm linked up to you in my post! :) Can't wait to meet some more homeschool families today!!!

    Lisa xoxo

  4. Ok...I hope I did this right! I have been reading for a while, figured I would hop on in, finally!

  5. Thanks for setting up this neat bloggy hop, Kylie! Great idea!
    I always enjoy your blog and look forward to popping by some new ones, too.
    Have a good week,

  6. Hi there from the blog hop! I love your name! My daughter has a close friend with the same name :-)! Love your blog!

  7. Hi everybody, I mam following Fearless Heart and Sunrise Learning Lab.


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