Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Shout Out: Mindful Parenting, Acceptance, Love & Learning

These posts have touched me all in different ways this week, some have even brought a tear or two to my eyes.

  • Jenny has posted on the topic of Acceptance over at the Latter Day Homeschooling Blog. I totally understand the need for accepting one's feelings and validating those feelings, as opposed to sweeping them under the carpet and telling yourself that they will go away.

  • The Sparkling Martins features a moving post on Loving It Forward. This is a must read for any parent, for anyone really. A wonderful reminder of not judging a book by its' cover.

  • This is my new favourite blog. I have been going back over the archives here reading everything. But How Do Learn, Just A Bald Man discusses the cradle to career education system and why this may not be one of the best policies. (whilst this is written with response to the US Education, in most cases here in Oz we quickly follow suit to many of the American ways and I feel that this post is just as valid for Australian's)

I hope you enjoy these reads as much I did.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting ones to read about. Now to check out the Bald Guy :)


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