Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday C

Oh what a bittersweet day it has been for this mamma! My sweet, gorgeous, funny, caring, loving absolutely delightful baby is no longer a baby. Whilst we are all just loving being a part of his growth, I do also feel very sad in a selfish kind of you can't grow up know how it is with your baby!

Having him in my life has taught me so much. I have grown more in the past two years than I think I have in my entire life. He has given me the opportunity to be the mum I really want to be (far from perfect but working on it everyday) and it isn't only him that is benefitting, all of the kids are. The opportunity to really listen to myself and my instincts and what is right for us as a family and to be able to do away with the worry over what everyone else thinks is an amazing feeling.

I am so truly, utterly blessed every single day to have this guy as part of our lives and if I had to do it all over again I wouldn't even think twice. His presence in our home has changed us all in so many wonderful ways and for that I am ever so grateful.

Happy 2nd Birthday my sweet, precious baby boy.

Very low key celebrations this year. In fact we had to have 2 seperate birthday's for him as his Grandma went away today for work. Last night we had over dh's family for dinner and cake. C was really very unsure what he should do with all of the attention during the Happy Birthday song. I think if it had of gone on any longer he may have had a tear or two.

Then tonight a similar evening with my family. After having happy birthday sung to him several times today by his mumma and brother and sister he had warmed up somewhat. Still not 100% happy with all of those eyes on him, but he coped much better with the situation.

He certainly had his candle blowing technique worked out tonight too.

We are headed to the Zoo tomorrow for a fun family say out together. I will share some photo's as soon as I can. :)


  1. My baby turned 2 last week, too. It seems so much more grown up than 1. I kind of had a hard time with it. :)

  2. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Friday Follows! Cool blog! I hope to see you at Dropped Stitches.

    xo Erin

  3. Well Happy Birthday to the big boy. Didn't realize your guy was so close in age to Amelia, her birthday was last month.


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