Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bambino Academy: Mazes, Crafts, Towers and a whole lot of fun.

~ C is 23 months ~

This will be our last Bambino Academy post for the 1 - 2 years age bracket. I can't believe I now need to post in the 2 - 3 years age. 

We've been a little off with tot school lately. Not that we haven't had loads of fun learning experiences, but I haven't felt the desire to always have my camera in hand. Sometimes it's just best to enjoy the time together and forget about taking the pictures.

Here is a snapshot of some of what we've been up to.

Buliding towers out of mega blocks is the latest hit.

Matching egg shapes.

Red Rods, well technically they are number rods, but we only have these so for C we will use them for both. At this stge I haven't given him a 'presntation' at all. It has purely been his own interest in them and free exploration of the materials.

Playing with his brother's Rush Hour.

Shape sorting, way too easy now, I need to remove this from his shelves.


Threading, he is really mastering this now.

He loved making these 'bags' at his sisters birthday morning tea.

He has shown considerable interest in the 'red rods' and the pink tower this past week.

And worked out that you actually need to place your feet on the pedals of his sisters trike one afternoon this week.

We can't forget our visit to the zoo.

I am linking this post to:

Toddler Tuesday's
Tot Tuesday's
Tot School


  1. Hi Kylie! Great pictures of your little tots having fun and engaged in playing/learning!
    You have great ideas, especially with home education. You might be interested in the Back to School Teacher Swap coming up in August to share your ideas or learn from others. Go to my blog and click on the "Back to School Teacher Swap" button on the scrolling sidebar (or on my blog post about scrolling buttons)to find out more info and to take you to Jen's blog that tells all about it :)
    Have a good day!

  2. Hi Kylie! Looks like our families would fit right in together! All of your great pictures remind me of our home and learning through hands-on exploration!

    Thanks for stopping by waddlee-ah-chaa. We don't have a google friends link. But you can subscribe RSS feed or "like" us on our facebook page. Just search waddlee-ah-chaa on facebook and you'll find us. We post all of our topics and giveaways on facebook.

    Look forward to sharing ideas!

  3. Thanks for linking up! Your little one looks so big on that bike! Do you mind sharing where you got the egg shapes? Those are really cute. Thanks! :)

  4. Hi Nicole, I just picked them up from a local educational supply store here. I can't even remember the name of them now, but I think there were about 6 eggs (12 halves) in the pack with different shapes to match.


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