Thursday, June 10, 2010

Words of Gratitude: Life, Support & Bloggy Goodness

This week I am grateful for:

  • Just being, being here on this planet, being alive. Since it's my birthday and all, I'm grateful to see yet another year.

  • I'm still very grateful for my blog. It is so nice and clean and tidy, love it! (even though I still haven't finished getting all of my links working)

  • I've said this several times before on various posts but I am ever so grateful for my supportive homeschool friends. Without them I wouldn't be where I am today. I continue to meet homeschooling mums that have very little support and my heart goes out to them. I'd be lost without my support network.


  1. Your post reminds me of this quote I recently read: "Having the good life is simple when you savour the one you have". Taking the time to reflect on what you are thankful for sure is good for the soul.

    Happy birthday to you. I hope you have a lovely day and a special celebration.

    The L.E.A.F festival made for a great family day out. The learning opportunities that were organised sounded like fun and very hands on.

  2. Happy birthday Kylie! Hope you have a fabulous day with the family :)

  3. Bother, accidentally closed the post before I had typed in the gotcha.
    Happy Birthday!
    And that's a great gratitude list.


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