Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oh It's Great To Be A Homeschooler!

We had our mid year LHEN Family Picnic today. These are moments I cherish, the moments I know that it truly is wonderful to be a homeschooler! A homeschooler blessed with a community of similar minds and friendship.

With the gorgeous surrounds of Daisy Hill State Forest the children were free to run, play, explore and do what ever it is that children do best. Whilst the mummies and daddies got to mingle, socialise and chat. Especially the dads, they so often miss out on all the fun we homeschoolers have and it is very important for them to connect with other homeschooling dads.

There were soccer matches, cricket, badminton, totem tennis, hiding in the bushes, some simple but delightful craft activities and just plain old having fun.

We did manage to round up the troops, well most of them anyway for a group shot.

You can see in the top right image they are all nicely finding their place and then the mass exodus, after the photo shoot was through of rushing to get back to whatever it was they were doing before hand.

We did in the end mange to grab a nice group photo of them, not an easy task with a large number of children, that aren't used to sitting still for very long!

I think I counted 16 families, anywhere between 40 and 50 children so not all are in the photo, but that's ok. What a gorgeous bunch of happy, smiling, carefree children.

Oh it's great to be a homeschooler!

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